Balancing the Spiritual and the Physical: A Beginning Guide

One thing that I have found while working with my healing clients over the years, is the similarity of experiences that each of us goes through when we discover metaphysics and start looking at our own inner spirituality for the first time. Most people begin to feel like “reality” is slipping away. There’s a sensation of moving between worlds. Often times, people get completely ungrounded which in turn causes them to lose touch with their physical selves. Then comes the time when each persons “spiritual journey” or “reason for being” comes into focus, and the sensation can become very surreal.

Coping with fundamentals such as breathing and “remembering” our day-to-day necessities while balancing between these apparently divergent experiences until each of us can blend them together appears to be quite the accomplishment. One thing that I see occurring often is people tend to want to stay with the new, spiritual experience because of the feelings of lightness, oneness and rightness that are felt in that state. The “Everyday World” seems heavy, dull and much less important. I’ve watched people at times ignore even some of the most basic of necessities because of the “bliss” that they are feeling.

The Spiritual Path feels like walking amongst the clouds. You can allow yourself to be totally in awe of spirituality. And because of its alluring influence, it is easy to understand why we prefer to be there. Unfortunately, this can lead to disaster if you are not properly grounded. The two must be held in balance for anything to get accomplished and for us to progress on both paths.

The following are just a few methods that will help you to maintain your integrity and balance while fulfilling your goals, both mundane and spiritual:

Maintain Your Money.

My friend Stuart Wilde used to say, “You can meditate all day on top of the mountain, but you have to come down into the “market place” to interact with others to create wealth.” If you depend strictly on spirit to “do for you”, you tend to stop taking the required actions to produce income and sooner than later, the money’s gone. It’s like I used to tell people when I worked in the Casino business: “You can’t win if you don’t bet!” You simply have to put yourself in the places and situations where you can create the money you need, first of all to survive, and then second of all, to be able to continue having these wonderful spiritual experiences. Going to metaphysical sites, or seminars or getting the books you want require money, so make sure you have what you need and then get more so that you can get what you want as well.

The other reason for wanting to maintain your balance in the “market place” and with your money is that then you attract the people who can help you, and they will show up at the right place and time. It’s amazing how many people believe that since they’ve found their “path”, that the money they need will simply find them. While this does happen on occasion, it is definitely not the norm. That said you will find that it’s a lot easier to manifest what you need, as long as you maintain the actions required. This is, as we were taught at Berkeley Psychic Institute, known as a “Growth Period.” This means it will take lots of action, both mentally and spiritually, to remain focused and present. This leads right into the next method, which is…

Goal Setting.

As I just said, creating what we need and want requires action. Getting lost in the joy and oneness of our spiritual path, it’s easy to lose focus and to set aside the actions needed to accomplish our goals. You want to complete each action with as much positivity and willingness as possible. Richard Bach, in his beautiful novel “Illusions” said it this way. “The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work”. This is what I mean about being “willing”. You have to be willing to set your goals down. You have to be willing to change them as necessary. You have to be willing, most importantly of all, to follow them. Life seems to be a little (or a lot) on the rough and tumble side? Then ask “source energy” or the “God Force”, or (insert the ‘deity’ of your choice) to make it easier. Ask that your steps be made lighter.

My favorite phrase to use in situations like this is to say [Your Goal You Want Completed] “Quickly, Cleanly and Easily”. Now, you have to be awake and aware and open to the possibilities that “source” may bring to you. It may not look like what you envisioned at first, but that doesn’t mean it’s not just the thing you need to complete the goal. Allow it to be for your highest and best, and watch as the “infinite wisdom” sends you the answers you need.

Allow Yourself To Receive.

You have to be able to give to yourself. If you can’t allow yourself to have, or give to yourself freely, then that energy you are putting out will keep you from attracting anything you want. None of your goals will get finished or accomplished if you don’t feel you “deserve” the finished product. I have found many people have a misconception about spirituality and money. They think that money is not spiritual, and therefore they shun it and considered it beneath them. Well, if we lived in a society where money was not the means of exchange, then I might agree with them, however… Remember, that’s all money is. A means of energy exchange. My cash in exchange for your product or service. We need it to survive. We need it to thrive! It’s perfectly ok to give to yourself, and it’s perfectly ok to allow yourself to have ANYTHING YOU WANT! You have my, and the universes, permission on that. 😉

One of the best ways I’ve found to help people with receiving issues is for them to give to others. By giving to others, either monetarily or with their time and talent, they see first hand how others receiving their gifts are better for it. In turn, those people give to others and so on. The energy must flow continuously. If you refuse to accept it, it will simply by-pass you completely. This goes for accepting money for services rendered. Many of my fellow healers and psychics have been caught up in the idea that they should not charge for what they do. By doing that, they are, unconsciously, stopping the flow. There has to be an energy exchange. Before the advent of money, people bartered for what they needed. So what’s different now? Nothing. On an energy level, it’s exactly the same, we’re just using a different object to barter with. This level of energy bring us to…

Taking Care Of Yourself and Others.

By taking care of your family, your pets, others in your life and yourself, you put out the energy of helpfulness, confidence and trust. Believe me, this energy gets returned to you many-fold. What’s the best way to take care of yourself and those around you? With Love. Love yourself. Love your family and friends. Love who you are and who they are. Love is by far the most powerful feeling/emotion/expression/energy there is. When you express Love, negativity and fear cannot stand against it. When you are using the energy of Love, you are taking care of yourself and everyone else with the highest vibration possible. From that energy, all things are possible. Along with this energy/emotion, include physical activity to maintain your body in good form.

To really have fun with this, feel the Love energy flow through you as you perform whatever activity you’ve chosen. Imagine feeling Love and gratitude while mowing the lawn, doing the dishes, playing a game of basketball or any other sport. Feel the Joy of the activity and how your body responds positively when you feel positive and joyful. Chores will never be dull and boring again! You will find renewed physical energy when you are coming from Love. Everyday projects become fun and inspiring. Your creativity will increase dramatically, because you are not coming from drudgery, resistance and fear. An added benefit I’ve seen many times over is that the “work” gets done much faster and much more efficiently. You also feel better before, during and after. This is a great way of taking care of yourself.

I hope you have found these methods helpful in creating a more spiritual, yet grounded life. Be sure to read my article on Grounding to get the technique for that down, and don’t hesitate to ask me any questions you may have in the comment section.

Blessed Be!
