Affirmation for the new year – 2014

At the beginning of this new year, I asked to receive a new affirmation that would be powerful for everyone, no matter what is going on and in all situations, so that we can move forward throughout this year, strongly and confidently. The affirmation I was given is that and so very much more. It is in two parts with the second part being changeable depending on the situation you’re dealing with. Here is the main affirmation that will help you in all ways and with all things:

“I release the fear, and allow my life to flow”

Now I’d like to talk about the first part of this power statement. Unless you’ve really been working on yourself and have done this type of releasing already, you are currently dealing with fear on some level. It almost can’t be helped. It is part of our nature as an animal on this planet that we have this program deep within our psyche. Our animal brains were given the ability to tell when something was going to endanger us, either directly by way of a physical threat, or indirectly by way of depleting our food sources. All animals have the same reaction to these situations. Fight or flight. If the predator is of a size that we believe we can overcome, then we fight. If the predator is too big or too numerous to fight, then we flee the area and try to get away as fast as possible.

This is what all fear is about, and why the first part of the affirmation says “the fear”. It is that signal inside us that says either we’re dying, or are about to die, unless we fight or run. Despite the human race evolving on many levels, that program has not yet left us. We still feel it almost every day. We call it different names now, such as anger, depression, jealousy, etc. All of the emotions we term as “negative” have their basis in that fear. Of course the main difference now is that, for the most part, we are not under that same type of mortal threat. Unless we deliberately put ourselves into actual physically dangerous situations, we are not about to die. But tell that to our animal brain when the boss, or our spouse, or some idiot on the street starts yelling at us, or the bills pile up, or the car breaks down. We immediately go into the fear.

Because this is an almost automatic response, we hardly pay any real attention to it on a conscious level. We don’t stop ourselves in the moment that the fear comes up and ask ourselves, “Are we really in danger? Is my life being threatened in this moment?” and because we don’t ask that, it becomes a pattern of allowing ourselves to go into the fear any time we feel a threat on any level. That fear is what keeps us under stress. The stress is what creates the diseases that we end up having, because our bodies can’t handle that energy. Letting go of the fear removes the stress, which then allows our bodies to normalize and become healthy.

By saying even just the first part of the affirmation, “I release the fear”, you are beginning the process of becoming aware of what you are doing to yourself, and taking the steps to change it. The more you allow yourself to be aware of how your thinking and your emotional reaction is changing your energy, the more you’ll use tools like this to let go of what doesn’t work for you. Let’s move on now to the second part of the affirmation.

This is the part that can be changed to suit any situation. You can, of course, just use the main one without changing it, and still get great effect from it, or you can allow yourself to come up with appropriate words for the second part to fit whatever is going on in your life in this moment. As an example, say you are not feeling very loving with yourself and others. Simply change it to say “I release the fear, and allow my love to flow”. This is one of the beautiful things about receiving this kind of information. It is literally infinite. I highly suggest that you use my Grounding and Centering technique while using this affirmation. Simply see the fear moving down your grounding cord and into the center of the earth as you release it. This will aid you greatly in letting that energy go, and feeling better right away.

Here are some more examples that you can use to change any aspect of your life quickly, cleanly and easily:

I release the fear, and allow my energy to flow.
I release the fear, and allow my health to flow.
I release the fear, and allow my prosperity to flow.
I release the fear, and allow my joy to flow.
I release the fear, and allow my happiness to flow.

May this affirmation help you to release the fear and allow your life to flow with ease, beauty and strength. =)

Bright Blessings,

Ross – “Tolemac”

Book Review: “I Believe ~ When What You Believe Matters!”

Over the past 35 years, I’ve been asked, been given, or had suggested to me that I read an incredible amount of books on the subjects of metaphysics, self help, human potential and esoteric teachings. Most have been in the good to very good category. Eldon Taylor’s book, “I Believe ~ When What You Believe Matters!” is in the really very good group. Mr. Taylor is a best selling author and after reading this book, I can see why. His style is informal and easy to read, and yet you will get an amazing amount of information. This is not dull reading at all.

“I Believe” centers around our beliefs, our belief systems and how we come to have them. Each chapter brings new information and new perspectives for us to look at and understand how it is we have the beliefs we do. The very first chapter asks us point blank, “Who Am I?”. From there, the knowledge that Mr. Taylor has gained over the last 30 years guides you through the labyrinthine trail of our beliefs and shows you, very clearly and precisely, how to change and let go of those beliefs that no longer work and serve you, and to replace those outdated ones with new, fresh, clear beliefs and belief patterns that do serve you. From our beliefs about God, to what is good and evil, to Unattachment, Enlightenment, achieving Balance, and many other belief systems, Mr. Taylor shows us how we come by them, and how to check if they are valid in this moment. At the end of each chapter, Mr. Taylor gives you a “reflection” for what you’ve just read and asks you go back over it and ask yourself the questions he poses. The answers you come up with may very well surprise you.

To give you a small sample of what you will read, here’s a quote taken from the book:

“The courage to change your life is a process, one step at a time. The wisdom required to take that action rests within all of us. With every step we take, our confidence increases and we realize the true power of the gift of life. In this process, we find that believing in ourselves unlocks so much magic that life takes on an entirely new glorious nature.”

It should be obvious to you now that I recommend this book very much and am happy to tell you that it is now in a complete paperback edition from Hay House. Starting today, May 7th, they are having a paperback edition launch party over at Progressive Awareness. They are also giving away some very special prizes that I know you will want to get in on. Once you’ve read “I Believe”, I’d love to hear your comments and stories of how it’s helped you and your family. =)

Bright Blessings,

Ross – “Tolemac”

P.S. As my own special bonus, if you purchase a copy of “I Believe” during this launch party, email me a copy of your receipt and you’ll receive a $20 an hour discount on my Conscious Energy Healing sessions. =)

Pure Love

I love my life. I love how on some mornings I wake up and information like this floods my heart and mind. This is my soul speaking to me with Pure Love. =)

Our souls, those individual aspects of Source, reside in our heart centers. When we communicate with each other and ourselves from our souls, we are coming directly from our heart center and the communication is pure. Loving ourselves purely is acknowledging our oneness with Source. Loving others purely is acknowledging their oneness with Source and with us. Pure Love is not the emotion we think and believe it is. It is beyond that emotion that we normally call “love”. It is the very nature of all that is.

Pure Love = Open Heart

We use the term, “His/Her heart is open”. What that really means is that that person is allowing pure communication to flow through them. They are not allowing any emotion to stop the natural flow from taking place. Their communication paths are open and receptive. They understand that to have pure communication you have to let go of all detachment to any emotional state. Studies have shown that all vibrational communication is first “understood” by the heart. Then it is transmitted to the brain and then the rest of the body. This happens within nanoseconds. Pure Love is our natural state of being, but we cloud it with emotions and don’t allow ourselves to receive the real communication in full. This is not to say that you should not have emotions. This is to say that if you understand that what you are usually feeling is just an emotion, you can consciously set that emotion aside and allow the real communication to flow through you.

Our emotions show us how much we are either restricting or allowing this flow to take place. Because our natural state is one of flow and open hearted communication, when we are not allowing that, we don’t “feel” good. We have the myriad of “negative” and “bad” feelings. That is just us telling ourselves we are not allowing the Pure Love to flow. Fear is the basis of all the “negative” emotions. That fear is the fear of loss. In particular the fear of losing this soul communication. We interpret this as losing our lives, and in a sense it is losing your life. If you are no longer connected and communicating with your soul, then you really have no life force flowing through you, and you are, in fact, physically dying.

Every experience we have is just that. An experience. Each one is singular and unique. No two are exactly the same. How we view, relate and react to each experience determines how we feel about it and the emotions we associate with that experience. By looking at each experience with Pure Love and warm compassion, we see how we’ve learned, grown and became more because of the experience. This allows us to then have appreciation and gratitude for the experience. Through this, we can begin to change how we feel about each experience. We can begin to let go of any “negative” emotions around each one, and thereby feel better about our entire lives. Remember this: Everything is an experience. Each moment of our lives is an experience. By changing how you feel about the previous experiences, you allow yourself to bring to you better experiences, without any dread or fear or doubt.

This is why I created the second Advanced Grounding Technique in which you ground out any negative emotion from the mental image pictures we “see” in our minds eye when we think of any past experience. By using this process, you are beginning to come from Pure Love, and allowing that energy and communication to flow easily and naturally. Along with the grounding technique, here is an affirmation that will help you to further allow this flow:

“The Pure Love of Source Energy flows through every aspect of my being. Clearing and cleansing, rejuvenating and refreshing, enlivening and enriching, empowering me in all ways.”

This is one of the areas that I help my Energy Healing clients with clearing, so that the pure communication can flow cleanly and easily. This is a major part of the miracle of self healing. The difference in the way you will feel, on all levels, when you begin to allow Pure Love to flow through you by using the grounding techniques and the affirmation in conjunction with daily meditation, will astound you. You will have a feeling of well being and serenity far beyond what you’ve previously experienced. You will begin to have much clearer and better communication not only with yourself, but with everyone else and all of life. You will open yourself up to having purer and more beautiful energy flow to you, from every direction. Your life will become wondrous and amazing. =)

I wish you all many Bright Blessings and Pure Love,

Ross – “Tolemac”

This Is What Matters

What I feel in this moment is what matters.
What I think in this moment is what matters.
What I believe in this moment is what matters.
What I appreciate in this moment is what matters.
What I am grateful for in this moment is what matters.
What my reaction is in this moment is what matters.
What action I am taking in this moment is what matters.
What I allow in this moment is what matters.
What I decide in this moment is what matters.
What I choose in this moment is what matters.
What I love in this moment is what matters.
What I am in this moment is what matters.

This moment is what matters. =)

Bright Blessings,

Ross – “Tolemac”

Deliberate Creation


First you have a thought. Usually, a creation thought is prefaced with a “what if” type of question. “What if” I had that job, object, situation, person, etc. Once you have the thought, you then have an emotional reaction to the thought, and if it’s a “positive” emotion, then the thought becomes a desire. Now it’s a “I want that” thought. With a positive desire, it becomes the idea of “I want to see, touch, taste, smell, or feel” this new thing. Basically, you are saying you want to experience it. Conversely, if you have a “negative” emotional reaction, then the thought becomes repellent. Now it’s a “I don’t want that” thought, and “I don’t want to experience it”.

The interesting thing is that both types of thought, and the emotional reactions to the thoughts, begin the creation process. This is where a lot of people get confused as to how the creation process works. They believe that only good and wanted things get created. If that were true, no one would ever have anything “bad” or “negative” happen to them. Creation, Source, God; whatever name you like, doesn’t care which end of the stick you choose. It only knows that a choice has been made, and that energy is now being moved to create whatever has been thought and felt about.

Energy is mutable. It changes shape constantly. We may not notice the change, as our perception does not have the capacity to “see” the various vibrations, but the changes are happening, nonetheless. When we have a desire, whether to bring something to us, or to push something away from us, we are calling on the energy to move into that form. As an example, if you’ve seen the John Boorman movie “Excalibur”, you saw that Merlin uses the “Charm of Making” spell for both “beneficial” and “harmful” purposes. The charm, or energy, simply follows the desire of the one doing the creating.

Deliberate Creation is the act of consciously acknowledging the movement of energy and consciously “directing” it to become what you desire. By having this understanding, you can let go of creating “negative” experiences by grounding out any “negative” emotions the moment you have them, making the deliberate choice to feel better in this moment, and to choose to look at things wanted, and not things unwanted. When you look at things that yourself and others call “accidents”, that is direct evidence of non-deliberate creation. That is non-focused energy being created and then experienced. We have all done this many times in our lives. The good news, is that we can use the fact that we have had these experiences, even though we consider them “negative” experiences, and show ourselves that we can create, and create pretty quickly.

Here’s an example of what I mean by this. You have a negative emotion about something. Let’s say, you’re worried about keeping your job. You think about it all the time. ‘Are they going to let me go?’, ‘Am I doing good enough for them to keep me?’, ‘I don’t think the supervisor likes me.’, etc. The next thing you know, they have handed you a pink slip, and you’re out of work. This type of creation happens with relationships, at school, with our families, basically in every area of our life. By stopping and then letting go of the negative thoughts and emotions when they come up, you begin to train yourself out of having those thoughts and feelings.

Fortunately, you can start creating from a “positive” energy stance right now, even if you still have “negative” thoughts come up. Because you are allowing yourself to be aware that you are having these thoughts that are creating things you don’t want, you can shift the energy and thereby shift the thought and the emotion. You do this by noticing you’re having a “negative” thought and emotion and then asking yourself, “What do I really want?” You’ve just had the thought of what you don’t want, so now think of the opposite of that. Think about the positive aspect of the situation, and let that be the new focus. Think, and then feel how good it is going to be to have that new situation the way you want it to be.

So let’s go back to the job example and change the thoughts. Coming from a positive stance, you now think to yourself, “I’m glad they are keeping me on here. I like this job.” and “I feel really good about the job that I am doing, and am happy that I can do it well.” and “Whether the supervisor likes me or not doesn’t matter. I do my job very well, and they have only good things to say about my performance.” With these “positive” thoughts and accompanying emotions, you are now deliberately creating what you want. When you transfer this concept to every part of your life, and for everything you want and want to accomplish, you create the life you want fully and completely.

Write down all the details of all the things and experiences that you want. Whenever a negative thought comes up, go over your list and allow that positive emotion to flow back into yourself again. You have the choice in each moment how you feel and what you allow yourself to think. Think and feel positively, and create deliberately. =)

Bright Blessings,

Ross – “Tolemac”