While working with one of my healing clients, an idea came to me to help better explain how the principle of, as Abraham advises, “reaching for better feeling thoughts”, actually gets us where we want to go. The analogy I saw in my vision is of a tree. If you think of a tree, you see a strong, sturdy trunk with many branches evolving into even more branches and finally ending in either leaves, flowers or fruit.
The way this was shown to me, the trunk represents your core belief; in this case, your belief in your happiness and your ability to give yourself happiness and feel good. The stronger that belief, the larger the trunk of the tree. Obviously, if your belief is not that strong, then the trunk of your ‘tree of good feeling’ will be correspondingly small and slight. Now even with a small tree, you can still find your way to happiness, but it won’t be as plentiful as with a big tree, and you won’t feel it as intensely and abundantly.
What you want to do is to get your level of belief in yourself and your happiness so strong, that you have a continuously larger and larger trunk. When this happens, you will have more and more branches. Each branch representing another circumstance of your happiness. One branch is your job, lets say, and each successive branching off this main branch shows you the different types of good feelings you get from your job. There’s the “I like my job” branch, then the “I like and enjoy my co-workers” branch, and so on. You get the idea.

Tree of Good Feeling
By looking at the separate, yet combined and attached, branches of each aspect of your life, you can begin to see how you can create new branches of happiness at will, by looking where each branch takes you and adding on new branches as you find the new happiness there. I see this as a great way of showing yourself the abundance of happiness you actually do have in your life, and by looking at it in this way, you then bring in even more happiness in all ways.
You can use this imagery for any aspect of your life to see how abundant that aspect is. Use it to see how much love is in your life at this moment, and how much peace, and joy, and well-being, and prosperity. Anything and everything can be applied to this process and you’ll get immediate understanding of where you are at with each of them. May your Tree be evergreen in all ways. =)
Bright Blessings,
Ross – “Tolemac”