I want to talk with you today about a great tool that I was taught many years ago. Like most of the techniques and processes that I’ve been sharing, it’s easy to do, doesn’t take much time and can be done wherever you have a few mintues to yourself.
When you use this technique, you’ll see exactly where you are at as far as your inner abundance is concerned, and you’ll begin to increase it. How much and how fast you increase it is up to you. With this tool, as with all things metaphysical, there is no limit.
To begin this process, make sure you are not going to be disturbed for at least five to ten mintues, if not longer. I find that fifteen to twenty minutes works for me the best, but your “time” will vary. Get into a comfortable seated position and ground yourself to the center of the earth. Make sure that you are fully in the center of your own head space, and that you are calm and relaxed. Ed. I highly recommend that you read my article on grounding, and that you are familiar with that technique, before attempting this one, as many of the processes I’m going to talk about are taken directly from that article.
Close your eyes and in your minds eye, I want you to picture a gauge in front of you. It can be any type of gauge that you want it to be with the only requirement being that it has to have numbers going from 0 to 100. This is your device that you will use to determine where you are at in your ability to give to yourself, whatever it is you want.
Once you have the gauge in front of you, see the number starting at 0. Now think of something that you want. An item, a situation, whatever. As you think of this thing, let the gauge begin to move through the numbers until it stops. Whatever number it stops at is the percentage level of your ability to give yourself that thing. Let’s say you want a new car, for example. You’d have that thought in your mind, and let the numbers move. If it stopped at 36, then your inner abundance to allow yourself to have a new car is at 36 percent.
Now comes the fun and exciting part. Obviously, 36% is not high enough to manifest a new car anytime soon, without a lot of struggle. So, give your gauge it’s own grounding cord. See that cord going from the gauge to the center of the earth. Now set the cord on release, and allow everyone elses energy to leave the gauge and go down the cord.
You may see the number increase just by doing that. Countless times, I have seen other peoples energy interferring with a clients ability to give to themselves. Now that the gauge is grounded, bring in a gold sun of neutral energy and fill up your gauge with it. This may cause the number to increase as well. If the number hasn’t increased to at least 90%, then you will move the gauge with your mind. See the numbers on the gauge moving higher. 40% – 60% – 75% and so on. Notice as you do this if you start to feel uncomfortable in any way. That’s your resistance/fear to allowing yourself to have that object or situation. If this comes up, simply forgive yourself and move that resistance down your grounding cord.
Continue moving the numbers higher until you get around 90% or so. Notice if it becomes harder to move the gauge or not. Sometimes it will, and other times it will not. If it does, that is normal, as your last bit of resistance will be highest when the percentage is at it’s highest on the gauge. When you can’t move the numbers any higher, or you hit 100 percent, see the gauge getting “locked in” at that number. You can visualize that in any way that feels strong and solid to you.
Once the number is locked in place, release the grounding cord from the gauge, create another gold sun of neutral energy, this time above you, and place the gauge inside it. Now bring that gold sun down inside of yourself and fill yourself up with it. Congratulations, you have now just increased your inner abundance by several factors.
This is an excellent method of granting yourself permission to have, do, or be, whatever you want. You can use this on literally anything you can think of. You may find that you have to check in with your new “permission gauge” several times for a specific desire, to keep the number at a high level, but once your consciousness gets used to the idea of giving yourself permission and allowing you to have, it gets easier and faster.
I look forward to hearing about your manifesting miracles from using this tool.
Bright Blessings!
Ross – “Tolemac”