First you have a thought. Usually, a creation thought is prefaced with a “what if” type of question. “What if” I had that job, object, situation, person, etc. Once you have the thought, you then have an emotional reaction to the thought, and if it’s a “positive” emotion, then the thought becomes a desire. Now it’s a “I want that” thought. With a positive desire, it becomes the idea of “I want to see, touch, taste, smell, or feel” this new thing. Basically, you are saying you want to experience it. Conversely, if you have a “negative” emotional reaction, then the thought becomes repellent. Now it’s a “I don’t want that” thought, and “I don’t want to experience it”.
The interesting thing is that both types of thought, and the emotional reactions to the thoughts, begin the creation process. This is where a lot of people get confused as to how the creation process works. They believe that only good and wanted things get created. If that were true, no one would ever have anything “bad” or “negative” happen to them. Creation, Source, God; whatever name you like, doesn’t care which end of the stick you choose. It only knows that a choice has been made, and that energy is now being moved to create whatever has been thought and felt about.
Energy is mutable. It changes shape constantly. We may not notice the change, as our perception does not have the capacity to “see” the various vibrations, but the changes are happening, nonetheless. When we have a desire, whether to bring something to us, or to push something away from us, we are calling on the energy to move into that form. As an example, if you’ve seen the John Boorman movie “Excalibur”, you saw that Merlin uses the “Charm of Making” spell for both “beneficial” and “harmful” purposes. The charm, or energy, simply follows the desire of the one doing the creating.
Deliberate Creation is the act of consciously acknowledging the movement of energy and consciously “directing” it to become what you desire. By having this understanding, you can let go of creating “negative” experiences by grounding out any “negative” emotions the moment you have them, making the deliberate choice to feel better in this moment, and to choose to look at things wanted, and not things unwanted. When you look at things that yourself and others call “accidents”, that is direct evidence of non-deliberate creation. That is non-focused energy being created and then experienced. We have all done this many times in our lives. The good news, is that we can use the fact that we have had these experiences, even though we consider them “negative” experiences, and show ourselves that we can create, and create pretty quickly.
Here’s an example of what I mean by this. You have a negative emotion about something. Let’s say, you’re worried about keeping your job. You think about it all the time. ‘Are they going to let me go?’, ‘Am I doing good enough for them to keep me?’, ‘I don’t think the supervisor likes me.’, etc. The next thing you know, they have handed you a pink slip, and you’re out of work. This type of creation happens with relationships, at school, with our families, basically in every area of our life. By stopping and then letting go of the negative thoughts and emotions when they come up, you begin to train yourself out of having those thoughts and feelings.
Fortunately, you can start creating from a “positive” energy stance right now, even if you still have “negative” thoughts come up. Because you are allowing yourself to be aware that you are having these thoughts that are creating things you don’t want, you can shift the energy and thereby shift the thought and the emotion. You do this by noticing you’re having a “negative” thought and emotion and then asking yourself, “What do I really want?” You’ve just had the thought of what you don’t want, so now think of the opposite of that. Think about the positive aspect of the situation, and let that be the new focus. Think, and then feel how good it is going to be to have that new situation the way you want it to be.
So let’s go back to the job example and change the thoughts. Coming from a positive stance, you now think to yourself, “I’m glad they are keeping me on here. I like this job.” and “I feel really good about the job that I am doing, and am happy that I can do it well.” and “Whether the supervisor likes me or not doesn’t matter. I do my job very well, and they have only good things to say about my performance.” With these “positive” thoughts and accompanying emotions, you are now deliberately creating what you want. When you transfer this concept to every part of your life, and for everything you want and want to accomplish, you create the life you want fully and completely.
Write down all the details of all the things and experiences that you want. Whenever a negative thought comes up, go over your list and allow that positive emotion to flow back into yourself again. You have the choice in each moment how you feel and what you allow yourself to think. Think and feel positively, and create deliberately. =)
Bright Blessings,
Ross – “Tolemac”