This year, my gift to you all is a $15 an hour discount off the price of the regular Conscious Energy Healing sessions. From now until December 21st, healing sessions are only $75 an hour. Gift yourself and your loved ones this holiday season with an energy healing session so that you can enjoy this special time of year. To receive your holiday discount or to purchase sessions for your friends and family, send an email to Holiday Discount. This offer does not apply to the already discounted Special Healing Packages. Happy Holidays, and many bright blessings to you all! =)
Tag Archives: energy
Blessings Of The Winter Solstice – 2010
The Winter Solstice will be direct this year on Tuesday December 21st, at 11:38PM GMT/UT, 6:38PM EST, 5:38PM CST, 4:38PM MST, and 3:38PM PST.
This years Solstice has the extra added power and energy of a full Lunar Eclipse in Gemini opposing the Sun in Sagittarius. With both signs being at 29 degrees, this signals an ending of what was and new beginnings. This year’s event will take 3 hours and 38 minutes from beginning to end. The eclipse begins on Tuesday at 6:33 a.m. GMT/UT, 1:33 a.m. EST, 12:33 a.m. CST, 11:33 p.m. MST Monday , and 10:33 p.m. PST Monday, when the Earth’s dark-reddish shadow will begin to show on the edge of the moon. It will take about an hour for the shadow to cover the entire moon. Totality begins at 7:41 a.m. GMT/UT, 2:41 a.m. EST, 1:41 a.m. CST, 12:41 p.m. MST, and 11:41 p.m. PST and lasts for 72 minutes.
I offer up this blessing:
Great and Eternal mystery, Great Spirit; God, Goddess, All that is; The Infinite Radiant Is. I thank you for this light and this life. For this beauty way. I thank you for this season of deep contemplation, reflection and retrospection. It is this time of season that offers us the opportunity to grow inwardly as we await the coming of the outward growth of Spring.
In this time of the short day and the long night, I give thanks for all that I have achieved this past year, and all that I will achieve in the new one. I offer up prayers and blessings of gratitude, and thanksgiving for the lessons I have learned; the relations of all varieties I have helped, and that have helped me to grow.
I thank you for this time of stillness so that I can once again hear my heart beat in time with the true rhythm of the Universe.
As we move forward from this Solstice day, I give thanks for the renewing energy that fills all of our lives with the mounting warmth of the new Sun and the new year.
In Gratitude; In Thanks; In Peace; In Wonderment; In Joy I say Ring Out Solstice Bells!
Brightest Blessings to all!
Ross – “Tolemac”
Ring Out, Solstice Bells by Jethro Tull
winter is the glad song that you hear.
Seven maids move in seven time.
Have the lads up ready in a line.
Ring out these bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.
Ring solstice bells.
Join together ‘neath the mistletoe,
by the holy oak whereon it grows.
Seven druids dance in seven time.
Sing the song the bells call, loudly chiming.
Ring out these bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.
Ring solstice bells.
Praise be to the distant sister sun,
joyful as the silver planets run.
Seven maids move in seven time.
Sing the song the bells call, loudly chiming.
Ring out these bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.
Ring solstice bells.
Ring on, ring out.
Ring on, ring out.
October 22nd, 2010 Full Moon energy
I found this post from Patricia Liles at and felt I needed to share her wisdom here. Enjoy!
Full Moon in Aries/Sun in Libra – 29º.
Friday, Oct. 22, 2010 7:38 PM MDT
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at
What? Two Full Moons in Aries in a row. Is the cosmos making a statement here. I think so. How could it be otherwise. The last Full Moon at the Fall Equinox was at 0º Aries and this Full Moon is at 29º Aries. Did I mention there were going to be five (5) Full Moons in a row at 29º? I did. But it bears mentioning again. What is the significance of 29º? It represents the ending of a cycle, a completion, an encompassing of all the previous aspects and influences, a summation, like the long journey up to the steps of the temple where you turn and look out over your life, acknowledging what has brought you to this point and then removing your shoes and garments and entering the temple without pretense or past. That’s where we are at this time.
We are completing a major cycle of consciousness in the evolution of our planet. We have five Full Moons in a row to contemplate where we have been, what we intend to shed and then to enter this new phase, clean and unencumbered by the past. But of course, there is work to do to enter a higher frequency energy in a clear and unencumbered state.
The Sun in Libra, also at 29º, opposite the Aries Moon has only benevolent aspects in this chart- to Pluto/Ceres and to the Nodes. The Moon also is aspected in a positive way to Pluto/Ceres and the North Node (point of growth and what we need to develop). There is no hint of the T-square of the entire summer that had us in the pressure cooker on high heat on the stove of ‘change-or-get-left-behind’. We made it. We are lighter, leaner, sobered. This is the Moon to celebrate our initiation into our relationship with our true Selves. Look around you into the eyes of your cohort that has embraced the challenge of deep societal transformation enacted from the inside out.
Aries as the first sign of the zodiac wheel is where we learn courage and create a (new) personal identity. The Ram has enthusiasm, assertiveness, and passion and loves a challenge. Its ruler, fiery Mars, calls in our physical energy and sexuality. Use the thrust of this energy to clean out the old patterns of holding yourself in a certain way and to open up the container of relationship to let in more loving kindness. Use your courage to shine out your inner gifts of beauty at the highest level possible. Let the enthusiasm of Aries fill your every contact and interaction.
Many of the personal planets are in Scorpio (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and asteroid Vesta), and we are only 1º away from a Scorpio Sun on Saturday, Oct. 23, at 6:35 AM MDT. With the Sun in Libra, the sign of relationship, and the Moon in Aries, the sign of the self, and their respective rulers, Venus and Mars in Scorpio, we are asked to take back our power for ourselves and use it to examine, penetrate, and let our secrets be revealed and surrendered. There are ways that our psyches are armored that keep our pure, divine expression deeply in check – enculturation, trauma, unsuccessful relationships, being driven deeply into survival strategies, endless witnessing of horrors to our fellow human beings via media all contribute to our inaccessibility to our relationship to our True Source. You can feel the protected places in the body where the life force no longer flows freely. The combination of Aries and Scorpio provides us with the courage to go deeply into these reservoirs of separation and release ourselves. This is our work now – freeing ourselves from the programming of the past that is locked in our very bones. Almost everything in this chart points to re-establishing a new relationship (Libra) with our selves (Aries) and from that we will be able to build a new foundation for relationship with mutually powerful others, and from that create a community/society from the ground up with a spiritual commitment to the whole. That’s what the Age of Aquarius is about in one sense, a grassroots movement to build a society based on truth, love and equality.
Pluto and Ceres are playing a big role now and in this chart. They have been dancing together for most of this year. This is the theme of balancing the power between the masculine and feminine that we as global awakeners have stepped up to integrate through our recreating of ourselves, our relationships, the way we work and live, vote, spend our resources, and how we treat others. Forgive and heal the masculine within and without. Empower the feminine in yourself and in all areas of your life. Mars, the masculine Warrior, is involved in the only stressful aspect in this chart. Mars squared to Chiron (and Neptune as witness) suggests what the masculine has carried from the past is aligned to open and heal now utilizing the detached compassion of Aquarius. Let’s all focus on our fathers, husbands, sons, brothers, uncles, lovers, teachers, friends and all the Shivas in our lives and send them love and forgiveness from our deepest selves. Much can be healed in this way. The chart is asking us to bring that masculine part of ourselves into balance.
This Full Moon will help us make our way to the top of that mountain, take a deep breath and survey all that we have accomplished. There is much to celebrate!
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at
Bright Blessings to you all, and have a marvelous Moondance tonight! =)
Ross – Tolemac
A New Years Blessing of Release and Letting Go – 2009
Reprinted and updated from my A New Years Blessing of Release and Letting Go, 2008 post
You can use this blessing at anytime really, but it is particularly good to use at the end of something. A job, a committment, a relationship, a project, whatever. This will help you to let go of what has ended and to bring back to you your energy that you have used or given away during the process. Simply substitute “old year”/”2009” with whatever you are releasing. This is best done from a meditative state. Look with your inner sight at the object of release, and say…
Hello, old year of 2009. I see that it is time for you and I to part. In my minds eye, I look back and I see all that you and I accomplished together, and I am grateful for those things. I see all that you and I did not accomplish, and I am grateful for the lessons of those things.
It is with this gratitude and thanks that I now release and let go of all that we were, knowing that I have grown from the experience; knowing that I am different than I was and that I no longer have use for what was, but instead look at the present state of what is and look forward to what will be.
I release and let go of all of the negative emotions that I had in 2009, no matter what might have caused them to surface. I recall back to me all of my energy that I spent and sent out in negative thought and feeling. I recall back to me also all of the positive energy that I gave out, knowing that only I can use my own energy.
I fully release and let go of the people, events and things from the past year that no longer serve my highest purpose. I release them joyously, and with a glad and grateful heart for the lessons learned. I wish them well, and I wish them gone from my life so that I may invite in new people, events and things that are better aligned to who I am now.
I now say Goodbye to you, 2009. You were what you were, and I am thankful for the many things I experienced and learned during your time.
So mote it be!
I wish you all the very Brightest Blessings for the New Year!
Deep Peace, Prosperity, Health & Happiness!!
Ross – Tolemac