Advanced Grounding Techniques

Now that you are, hopefully, using the Prosperity Tool, I feel it’s time to talk with you about some more advanced grounding techniques. Again, if you haven’t read my post on grounding, I suggest that you read that first to get familiar with the basic idea and technique, so that you’ll understand what I’m talking about here.

In the Prosperity Tool post, I showed you how to ground your prosperity gauge, so that you can release any energy that is not yours from it, thereby increasing your personal level of prosperity, abundance and allowing. So, the question I get from most of my healing clients at this point is, “What else can I give a grounding cord to?” The answer is simple: Everything.

Everything can be grounded

On a daily basis, I ground my home, my computer, my car, the road I’m travelling; just to name a few of the regular ones. Because I’ve been doing this for 18 years, it’s become totally second nature for me to give items and people a grounding cord without any effort or thought. It didn’t take all 18 years to get to this level, believe me. It did take about 6 months of daily practice to get to the point where it became part of who and what I am, and since then the visualization of a grounding cord takes me about 2 seconds.

The next question I get asked is usually, “Why ground all these different things?” Well, the answer varies depending on what it is that you want to give a grounding cord to. I do this for my car, to keep everyone elses energy off of it, especially their “traffic paranoia” so that I’m not caught up in their accident patterns. I do the same thing on the road I’m travelling, to keep it clear of accidents ahead of me, and to help move the traffic along. For “road grounding”, visualize the road you are going to be on from your starting point to well past your destination, and give that entire stretch it’s own cord. This doesn’t take more than a couple of moments, and you can use a map if you’re not familiar with the route you’ll be on.

Grounding others and Non-infringement

This works wonders on crying babies. I get the most amazing looks and smiles from them. They’re so close to the Infinite energy that they just came from, and recognize when someone is there to help. I give them a cord and a psychic “hello” and they just giggle away. This has the same effect on barking dogs, though most animals are very well grounded on their own. It helps to eliminate the “owners” fear energy and gives the dog the opportunity to assess the situation from it’s own natural perspective, instead of through their “owners” stuff. Again, I get great looks from the dogs, as they see me with their own energy, usually followed by wagging tails and lolling tongues, wondering if I have a treat for them.

One thing I will say here, is that when I give a cord to a person, no matter what age, I ask them psychically for permission first. 99% of the time, this is greeted with a resounding “PLEASE!!” and I proceed. There is that 1% where I’ve gotten a “no thank you”, and left it at that. Non-infringement is mandatory here and it’s one of the tenets that Stuart Wilde was really adamant about in our training. Your offer of help and assistance is all you can really do. If they accept, then do what you can. If they reject it, then simply walk away. Remember, the key is being in neutrality and warm compassion for the person and the situation they find themselves in. There’s no judgement, and there’s no thought of trying to “save them”. That’s the ego talking, and it’ll get you into a ton of trouble if that’s the energy level you come from.

Advanced Techniques for Yourself

Now I want to tell you about some advanced techniques that you use on yourself. In my first grounding post, I showed you how to ground yourself at your first chakra. Along with grounding your root chakra and aura, you can also ground the rest of your chakras as well. Once you are at that place where you’ve set up your personal grounding cord, in your mind’s eye see it move up the interior of your body and have it attach to each chakra as it moves up. This is a powerful feeling. Having all of your chakras grounded at the same time allows you to release just that much faster.

Along with your chakras, you can also give your reproductive organs a grounding cord, and see it connecting from those organs to your main cord. This helps to relieve blocked energy and tension from those areas, and to get your female or male energy moving freely. Because we are sexually excited at all times, by our thoughts, the images we see everywhere, and the conversations we have or hear, this really brings an amazing amount of relief. Women, in particular, note how much better they feel when they use this technique on themselves. Considering the amount of sexual energy that is projected on women on a daily basis, this is not a surprise at all.

A grounded home, is a happy home

Giving your home it’s own grounding cord will not only help you, but anyone who lives in the same house. Along with doing the psychic healing with people, I have done a lot of home and office clearing through the years as well, and this is the first thing I do in that process. Simply locate the basic center of the space you want to ground, and place a cord there. If it’s your home, you can create one main cord in the center, and then have separate cords for each room, all connecting to the main one. I also ground my bed along with my bedroom. You are sleeping on it for 6 to 8 hours each night after all, and by grounding it and cleaning up the energy, you’ll get a better nights sleep.

If you work in an office type environment, give the building a main cord, and each office that you work in, or have to be in, it’s own cord that merges with the main one. I’d also have you ground your desk, chair and computer. I’ve done this for clients and have had them report back to me that their computer was the only one that didn’t get a virus that was going around the office, even though they were on the same network as everyone else. Nice.

As you can see, there are endless possibilities here. Look at the different aspects that you interact with in your life, and see what you think can benefit from having a grounding cord attached to it. Post your comments and tell us what you’ve grounded and how the energy changed. I’d love to hear your experiences and to answer any questions you have about this fun, easy and excellent process.

Bright Blessings!

Ross – “Tolemac”

Be sure to read my Advanced Grounding 2 for more techniques.

Prosperity Tool To Increase Your Inner Abundance

I want to talk with you today about a great tool that I was taught many years ago. Like most of the techniques and processes that I’ve been sharing, it’s easy to do, doesn’t take much time and can be done wherever you have a few mintues to yourself.

When you use this technique, you’ll see exactly where you are at as far as your inner abundance is concerned, and you’ll begin to increase it. How much and how fast you increase it is up to you. With this tool, as with all things metaphysical, there is no limit.

To begin this process, make sure you are not going to be disturbed for at least five to ten mintues, if not longer. I find that fifteen to twenty minutes works for me the best, but your “time” will vary. Get into a comfortable seated position and ground yourself to the center of the earth. Make sure that you are fully in the center of your own head space, and that you are calm and relaxed. Ed. I highly recommend that you read my article on grounding, and that you are familiar with that technique, before attempting this one, as many of the processes I’m going to talk about are taken directly from that article.

Close your eyes and in your minds eye, I want you to picture a gauge in front of you. It can be any type of gauge that you want it to be with the only requirement being that it has to have numbers going from 0 to 100. This is your device that you will use to determine where you are at in your ability to give to yourself, whatever it is you want.

Once you have the gauge in front of you, see the number starting at 0. Now think of something that you want. An item, a situation, whatever. As you think of this thing, let the gauge begin to move through the numbers until it stops. Whatever number it stops at is the percentage level of your ability to give yourself that thing. Let’s say you want a new car, for example. You’d have that thought in your mind, and let the numbers move. If it stopped at 36, then your inner abundance to allow yourself to have a new car is at 36 percent.

Now comes the fun and exciting part. Obviously, 36% is not high enough to manifest a new car anytime soon, without a lot of struggle. So, give your gauge it’s own grounding cord. See that cord going from the gauge to the center of the earth. Now set the cord on release, and allow everyone elses energy to leave the gauge and go down the cord.

You may see the number increase just by doing that. Countless times, I have seen other peoples energy interferring with a clients ability to give to themselves. Now that the gauge is grounded, bring in a gold sun of neutral energy and fill up your gauge with it. This may cause the number to increase as well. If the number hasn’t increased to at least 90%, then you will move the gauge with your mind. See the numbers on the gauge moving higher. 40% – 60% – 75% and so on. Notice as you do this if you start to feel uncomfortable in any way. That’s your resistance/fear to allowing yourself to have that object or situation. If this comes up, simply forgive yourself and move that resistance down your grounding cord.

Continue moving the numbers higher until you get around 90% or so. Notice if it becomes harder to move the gauge or not. Sometimes it will, and other times it will not. If it does, that is normal, as your last bit of resistance will be highest when the percentage is at it’s highest on the gauge. When you can’t move the numbers any higher, or you hit 100 percent, see the gauge getting “locked in” at that number. You can visualize that in any way that feels strong and solid to you.

Once the number is locked in place, release the grounding cord from the gauge, create another gold sun of neutral energy, this time above you, and place the gauge inside it. Now bring that gold sun down inside of yourself and fill yourself up with it. Congratulations, you have now just increased your inner abundance by several factors.

This is an excellent method of granting yourself permission to have, do, or be, whatever you want. You can use this on literally anything you can think of. You may find that you have to check in with your new “permission gauge” several times for a specific desire, to keep the number at a high level, but once your consciousness gets used to the idea of giving yourself permission and allowing you to have, it gets easier and faster.

I look forward to hearing about your manifesting miracles from using this tool.

Bright Blessings!

Ross – “Tolemac”

Welcome to the Second Level: Part 2

In this second part, I want to talk with you about the duality of the two main emotions of this life.

Love and Fear.

These two emotions are the driving force behind everything that we do in this existence. Being emotion based entities living in a duality based system, we have to deal with these two in every aspect of our lives. I call these the “main emotions” because all other emotions spring from them. There is not a single positive emotion that does not come from Love and conversely, there is not a single negative emotion that does not come from Fear.

Think about it. If you examine all emotions and go down to their essence, you’ll find one of these main emotions at it’s core. This may sound simplistic, but by simplifying our emotions down to their core, they actually become easier to deal with. So what is the core of these main emotions? Let’s take a look…

The Core Of Fear

Fear. The morass from which all negative emotions emerge. The main emotion that when we experience it brings us emptiness. Destroys us. Drags us down into the deepest pits of hell. When you think of Fear, what comes up for you? The fear you have for the safety of yourself and those around you? Anger, Rage, Depression?  What do you feel when you feel Fear? What is the truth behind that feeling? If you allow yourself to fully delve into the emotion, no matter what triggered it, you’ll find one thing.




It is this belief in Loss that causes all Fear.

As I explained in my Staying Grounded post, Fear creates inside of us the feeling that we are dying. This is the ultimate loss. The loss of our life. Even though we may be afraid of relatively and comparatively simple things, such as whether or not we’ll be late for an appointment, it still feels like death and dying to our basic selves. Fear causes us to also lose perspective. Without perspective, our rational minds go right out the window.

Frank Herbert, in his epic work Dune, said it best when he wrote the Litany Against Fear, part of which states: “Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.” I have yet to hear it said better. Fear does indeed kill our minds and way too often actually leads to death. So how do we deal with this fear? How do we look it in the eye and disregard the message it’s sending to us?

Letting Go Of Fear

One way to remove fear from your life is to first remember the main acronym associated with FEAR:

False Evidence Appearing Real

Basically this asks you to remember that 99.9% of the fear we experience is not real. Our lives are not in danger, but we are perceiving them as such. Look directly at what is causing you to feel this fear and ask yourself two things. First, are you in real danger? Probably not, so your life is not really being threatened. The second question, and in my mind the more important of the two as it will help you to get straight to the truth, is to ask yourself what are you losing? You’re feeling afraid, so you must feel like you are losing something. Once you ask yourself that and can answer it honestly, you’ll see that 100% of the time, you are “losing” nothing. That’s the false evidence appearing real.

In my experience, people only feel fear because they have a belief in their separateness from the Source of all things. Label it however you will, the fact remains that if you believe you’re separate from this source, you also have a belief in fear. If you are not separate and feel only oneness, then there is no room or capacity for fear in your life, because there is nothing you can lose.

There are any number of things you can do to keep fear out of your life. You can recite the complete Litany Against Fear:

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

You can understand that the fear is not real and move it out of your body and energy and have it go down your grounding cord. You can be completely honest with yourself. This helps tremendously, as there is no falsehood in you. If there’s nothing false, then you can look at outside “appearances”  much more cleanly and see them for what they really are. Meditating is another excellent way of clearing this emotion. You have probably been introduced to other ways of releasing and letting go of fear. Incorporate those that work for you and that you feel comfortable doing.

Lastly, remember that all “low energy” or “negative” emotions are varying degrees of fear of loss. By looking at your emotions as neutrally as possible and asking yourself why you’re feeling this way, you can start to let go of the fear and to let go of the rest of the negative emotions, especially when you see that they do not serve you at all.


The Core Of Love

Love. The fount from whence all positive emotions flow. The main emotion that when we experience it fills us. Enlightens us. Lifts us to heights barely imaginable. When you think of Love, what comes up for you? The love you have for your mate? Your child? Your family? A pet? Happiness, Joy, Contentment? Peace, Abundance, Self-Fulfillment? What do you feel when you feel Love? What is the truth behind that feeling? If you allow yourself to fully delve into the emotion, no matter what triggered it, you’ll find one thing.




It is this Oneness that we seek at every level of our being.

Filling Ourselves With Love

When we come from Oneness to Source, all things are possible. Knowing and truly believing that we are completely a part of all that is, gives us the connection and wholeness we crave. Again, meditating, staying grounded and being honest with ourselves, are great ways to help keep the positive emotions and energy flowing. Being grateful, expressing that gratitude, and giving thanks for what you are and where you find yourself definitely keeps the love vibe going strong. It’s impossible to feel anything but love when you are expressing your gratitude and thanks.

The quote “Laughter is the best medicine” is absolutely true. When you are laughing, most of the time, it’s because you are enjoying life and you are expressing that enjoyment. There is no room for fear or any negative emotions while laughing. Laughter pre-dates language and is another way that we relate, share and understand our Oneness with each other and this world.

Listening to music that inspires us and gives us those good feelings is another excellent way to change your mood to one of love and compassion. The same is true for watching movies or tv shows that uplift us, and shows us positive imagery.

Go out into the natural world as often as you can. Look around you. At the trees, the grass, the sky, the stars at night, the sand at a lake or beach, the water, the animals. Be calm and still and feel the energy surrounding you. By being in Nature, feeling and sensing the vastness, timelessness and abundance, you immediately start to feel that Oneness. You can start to feel the connection to all things.

I’m certain that you either have or can create many other ways to find and fill yourself with the energy of Love. Be sure to take time each day to feel it and appreciate it. The more you do so, the less any negative emotion will be able to hold sway over you. The more you will enjoy this life and everything in it. The Lakota people say in their language, Mitakuye Oyasin! which means “we are all related”, and so it is.

Brightest Blessings!
