Affirmation for the new year – 2014

At the beginning of this new year, I asked to receive a new affirmation that would be powerful for everyone, no matter what is going on and in all situations, so that we can move forward throughout this year, strongly and confidently. The affirmation I was given is that and so very much more. It is in two parts with the second part being changeable depending on the situation you’re dealing with. Here is the main affirmation that will help you in all ways and with all things:

“I release the fear, and allow my life to flow”

Now I’d like to talk about the first part of this power statement. Unless you’ve really been working on yourself and have done this type of releasing already, you are currently dealing with fear on some level. It almost can’t be helped. It is part of our nature as an animal on this planet that we have this program deep within our psyche. Our animal brains were given the ability to tell when something was going to endanger us, either directly by way of a physical threat, or indirectly by way of depleting our food sources. All animals have the same reaction to these situations. Fight or flight. If the predator is of a size that we believe we can overcome, then we fight. If the predator is too big or too numerous to fight, then we flee the area and try to get away as fast as possible.

This is what all fear is about, and why the first part of the affirmation says “the fear”. It is that signal inside us that says either we’re dying, or are about to die, unless we fight or run. Despite the human race evolving on many levels, that program has not yet left us. We still feel it almost every day. We call it different names now, such as anger, depression, jealousy, etc. All of the emotions we term as “negative” have their basis in that fear. Of course the main difference now is that, for the most part, we are not under that same type of mortal threat. Unless we deliberately put ourselves into actual physically dangerous situations, we are not about to die. But tell that to our animal brain when the boss, or our spouse, or some idiot on the street starts yelling at us, or the bills pile up, or the car breaks down. We immediately go into the fear.

Because this is an almost automatic response, we hardly pay any real attention to it on a conscious level. We don’t stop ourselves in the moment that the fear comes up and ask ourselves, “Are we really in danger? Is my life being threatened in this moment?” and because we don’t ask that, it becomes a pattern of allowing ourselves to go into the fear any time we feel a threat on any level. That fear is what keeps us under stress. The stress is what creates the diseases that we end up having, because our bodies can’t handle that energy. Letting go of the fear removes the stress, which then allows our bodies to normalize and become healthy.

By saying even just the first part of the affirmation, “I release the fear”, you are beginning the process of becoming aware of what you are doing to yourself, and taking the steps to change it. The more you allow yourself to be aware of how your thinking and your emotional reaction is changing your energy, the more you’ll use tools like this to let go of what doesn’t work for you. Let’s move on now to the second part of the affirmation.

This is the part that can be changed to suit any situation. You can, of course, just use the main one without changing it, and still get great effect from it, or you can allow yourself to come up with appropriate words for the second part to fit whatever is going on in your life in this moment. As an example, say you are not feeling very loving with yourself and others. Simply change it to say “I release the fear, and allow my love to flow”. This is one of the beautiful things about receiving this kind of information. It is literally infinite. I highly suggest that you use my Grounding and Centering technique while using this affirmation. Simply see the fear moving down your grounding cord and into the center of the earth as you release it. This will aid you greatly in letting that energy go, and feeling better right away.

Here are some more examples that you can use to change any aspect of your life quickly, cleanly and easily:

I release the fear, and allow my energy to flow.
I release the fear, and allow my health to flow.
I release the fear, and allow my prosperity to flow.
I release the fear, and allow my joy to flow.
I release the fear, and allow my happiness to flow.

May this affirmation help you to release the fear and allow your life to flow with ease, beauty and strength. =)

Bright Blessings,

Ross – “Tolemac”

What the mirror shows…


That person you see in the mirror is only a fraction of who you really are. What you are seeing is the valance, the facade, the mask of our egos that we show ourselves and other people. Look into your eyes. Look deeper. Look through the shell of protection you’ve created and into your heart and soul. That is where you will find your true self. That is where you will find the courage, strength, love, joy, peace and warm compassion that are yours by the nature of you being an aspect of Source, that chose to be born into a physical body.

By looking for, acknowledging and understanding that this is who you really are, you begin to let go of all fear. You release yourself from the bondage of old patterns and programming that have kept you stuck for years. Once you begin to see your true self, you can allow yourself to be, do and have all that you’ve wanted. You can allow yourself to become more and more. Now you are free. Now you allow yourself to be completely true to you. The freedom that you grant yourself in this way is beyond all imagining. Every aspect of your life will change. Your body, your thought processes, your emotions, your energy, even your past will be different than it was. You will become fully healed.

Now, you are that you are. Now your real adventure in this life begins.

Bright Blessings to you on your journey. =)

Ross – Tolemac
Conscious Energy Healing – Helping you go beyond the mirror.

“Why do we do this to ourselves??”

The question is, “Why is it so easy to think negative thoughts? Why do we do this to ourselves?”


The answer to the question is this: We’re trained to. Everyone around us shows us their negativity from the moment of conception. Some families more than others, but there are very few positive families, with positive outlooks and positive energy to give to their children. If we don’t get a lot of negativity at home, we surely get a ton of it at school, church, other relatives, etc. Simply being out in the world is a predominantly negative energy experience when you’re dealing with other people. Go into any store, someone will be be pissed off about something and exuding negative energy. Go to any restaurant, same thing. Someone will be showing their fear/anger.

The idea isn’t to stop them from having their experience or for you to nitpick over every negative thought and emotion. The idea is to have more positive and happy thoughts and feelings, than not. Forgive yourself when the negativity hits. If you can, find a way to laugh at the thought/feeling. Even if you can just say to yourself, “well that thought’s a bit silly, isn’t it”, it will help tremendously. When you get into “nitpick mode” and you’re constantly being vigilant, you’re deep in resistance. That just brings more negativity into your experience. Let it go as much as you can, by allowing it to be there, but not give it much, if any, attention. You’re never going to be in a place where you never have a negative thought or feeling, so let the idea of being positive all the time go. That keeps you stuck.

Soon, you’ll get to a place inside yourself where you’ll simply notice that your thoughts and feelings have gone a bit negative, and you’ll laugh and then change them. Even just laughing at the silliness of it will help change the energy immediately. If the thought and feeling are particularly intense, then you can look at it a little deeper and ask yourself what it is that you are afraid of in this moment. By stopping your thought process, and asking yourself that question, you pull yourself out of the fear. You can’t really feel fear when you’re in “query mode”. Your brain automatically goes off to find the answer to the question and forgets to be afraid. I do this with children when they’re crying. I don’t ask them why they are crying, but I ask them something completely unrelated, like “did you see that cat across the street”, or “what did you do in school today”. Anything to distract their minds from whatever is causing them to cry. Then, you can find out what they are upset about. Same with us adults. Give the mind something to do, and it will forget the fear in that moment, and that’s all you need to begin to shift the energy.

Do this along with staying grounded, and you’ll see pretty quickly just how easy it actually is to stay more positive about everything in your life. =)


Bright Blessings,

Ross – “Tolemac”

Advanced Grounding Techniques – Part 2

Hello everyone. Today I want to give you another Advanced Grounding Technique that I have seen help countless clients, family and friends to reduce their fear, stress and anxiety levels dramatically.

If you have not read my previous posts on grounding, be sure to read them first so that you are familiar with the terms and main techniques. You can find the first one here: Staying Grounded… and the second one here: Advanced Grounding Techniques Once you’ve gotten the previous techniques down, then come back to this post.

Ok, so you have your body, chakras and aura grounded. You’re in your place of power in the center of your head, and you’re relaxed and calm. Now is a great time to use the next technique. This one involves your negative emotions and the pictures in your memory that causes those emotions to come up. Whenever we think about a past experience, whether positive or negative, the first thing that happens is we “see” a picture of the event in our mind’s eye. Then, based on our feelings and the experience we had at that time, we then express an emotion about that picture.

Everyone does this, and we do it all the time. There is not any time when we do not feel an emotion about a past experience, unless you have really trained yourself to be in neutrality, and you are able to look at your life experiences from that neutral space. Suffice it to say that the majority of people have not trained themselves in that fashion, so they are indeed feeling an emotion about their past. Ok, so you think of a past experience and have an emotion about it. The question then becomes, “How does this effect me?”

You have all had the experience of thinking about a memory that was not pleasant and then having negative emotions come up about that experience. For some, these emotions can become overwhelming due to the nature of the memory and what took place. I have helped many people that suffer panic/anxiety attacks and found that they all are going through this process in an extreme way. Something triggers a memory of a “bad time” and they go into panic mode. As anyone who has suffered such an attack can tell you, it’s completely debilitating. Most people practically freeze in place; their bodies are completely overwhelmed by the fear emotion and they cannot hardly breathe, much less move.

The Technique

As with anything in life, each of us feels these things to varying degrees, but the main point is that the negative emotions do not feel good. You can change that now, by utilizing this process and letting those fear based emotions go. Just like I talked about in the first Advanced Grounding Techniques post, you can give a grounding cord to basically anything, as we are dealing with energy, and energy can be manipulated to work for you on any level. This technique is just as easy and simple as the others are. When you remember something that causes you to feel a negative emotion, see in your minds eye the picture that is there and give that picture it’s own grounding cord. Once you’ve set up the cord to the center of the earth, set it on release and see all the negative emotions associated with that picture being released down the cord.

While this is happening, forgive yourself for whatever brought that memory up to your consciousness; also forgive yourself for the original situation you found yourself in. Be thankful and grateful for what the experience taught you, and let it go with love and peace. Remember, there really are only two emotions. At any given time, you are either feeling love or fear. All the emotions we have labels for fit into one of those two main categories. As Abraham says, you really only have two choices: To feel better or to feel worse.

Depending on how intense the feeling is for the particular memory you’re reviewing, you may feel immediate relief on a huge level, or you may just feel calmer than you did when the memory came up. There is no right or wrong way to feel when you do this. Any relief is a good thing. For most situations, you may only need to ground the picture one time to let the negative energy go. If you have a greater attachment to the memory, it may require a few times to get it to the point where you don’t have the negative emotions bombard you whenever you think about that picture.

By doing this process when you are in a calm, relaxed state to begin with, you can let go a lot more as there is little to no resistance inside yourself. You can also do this “on the fly”, as it were, when something comes up for you. Find a place where you can sit down for a few minutes and ground yourself and the picture the best you can. Get as centered as possible and try to allow the release to happen. Don’t worry if you don’t feel like you were able to ground it when the emotion first hits if you are not in a place to do so comfortably. Just tell the emotion that you’ll deal with it later. I’ve seen that work amazingly well on many occasions. Once you are in your safe environment, no matter where that is, go through the process as I’ve laid it out and re-set a new grounding cord on that picture.

The more you practice these techniques, the better you will feel overall. By the very act of consciously letting go of the negative emotions, forgiving yourself and being at peace with what was, you are telling yourself that you want to feel more good emotions in your life. Because that becomes your predominant thought and feeling, you bring to yourself better feeling thoughts and experiences. As you do that, you will find that you can accomplish more in, and with, your life.

Please leave a comment to let us know your experiences with this or if you have any questions.

Deep Peace,

Ross – “Tolemac”

The Neutrality Of The Law Of Attraction

We all know how powerful the Law of Attraction is and we’ve either seen, heard or had our own experiences of it in wonderful, positive ways. What I want to do here is give you an example of how NOT to use the Law of Attraction, and to show you in no uncertain terms, that the Universal Law of Attraction is completely neutral. From what I have read and heard from many people, it seems to me that the predominant thought is that the Law is “good” by nature, and that by using it, only “good” can come from it.

While you can indeed bring positive things, people, events, etc. into your life, you can also bring in disaster just as easily. In fact, even more easily, for we are all trained to be in fear and to believe the “worst” will happen, instead of focusing on the “best” happening.

The incident I’m about to relate happened to me, so I know whereof I speak. I also know all too well just how fast the Universe can respond! Whether it’s positive intention and vibes you are putting out or negative ones, the Universe does not care. It simply responds to the energy of your intention.

My first true experience of this type of intending was done in a very negative fashion. I had gone to the Star Trek convention at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. When I got there, I saw that the parking was $5! This was in 1985, and that was a lot of money to shell out just for parking! So, I got mad (read: afraid) and said screw that, I’ll park on the street. So I went around to the main street behind the hotel, parked my car, got out and popped 2 quarters into the meter. Just as I was about to turn the corner to go into the hotel parking lot and to the convention entrance, I said to myself (in full arrogant voice) “I dare anyone to break into my car! Grrr!@$%!!”

I then went and enjoyed myself at the convention. When I went back to my car two hours later to put in a couple more quarters, you guessed it, the car had been broken into, and everything stolen. I was stunned. I thought I had put up a protection around it, but no. That was an illusion. I had put my fear around it and instead of protecting it, I manifested getting robbed.

Needless to say, I learned my lesson right then and there! This is also when I realized the Universe is not picky about what it sends. It doesn’t choose, it merely reflects our energy back to us. The more intense the energy, the faster it reflects it back.

In the movie “The Secret”, Joe Vitale called the Law of Attraction a catalog that you placed your order with. Years ago, my friend Stuart Wilde said think of it as a great storehouse with everything in it, and it’s just waiting for your order. When he said “everything” he meant EVERYTHING! Everything and anything you can think of is availble to us. Any object, experience, person, all of it. Your choice. You decide, and it’s delivered.

Obviously, on that day, I had chosen to have the Universe show me what attracting fear and arrogance will get me. I lost my guitar and amplifier, a 24″ master recording tape my friends and I had just finished recording, (those were in the trunk) the car stereo, and everything out of the glove box. It was devastating at the time, and it took a couple days of introspection to sort it all out. Once I did, it felt even worse, because I knew that I had brought it about.

So you see, the Law of Attraction is completely neutral. “It” doesn’t care. “It” is simply our energy reflected back to us. If you put out positive energy, that is strongly intended, you’ll receive positive energy and very quickly. If you put out positive energy, but your intention is weak or wishy-washy, then you’ll get a weak result. You would not believe how fierce I was that day, internally shouting at the world. That is another lesson I learned. If you are powerful in your intent, it’ll show up quicker. You decide what you want and how quickly you want it.

Another thing to remember is that you have to be specific! The Law is neutral, and it doesn’t read minds. You have to tell it exactly what you want. Stuart used to say, “If you just say you want new shoes, you’ll end up with size 18 pink and yellow clown shoes with fuschia polkadots!” Remember, specific is terrific. Don’t be vague about what you want. Write it down, read it over, change it as needed, edit it so that it’s WHAT YOU WANT! Now, you can project that image with strong intent out into the energy of the universe, and it will respond.

The Universe and the Law of Attraction are neither “good” or “bad”. They simply are. In being neutral, they allow us to evolve as we decide. So, when things are not showing up as you want them to, look at the level of your intention. Look at the level of how specific you were in what you want. Do not berate yourself for it not happening as you first envisioned, but instead, forgive yourself and adjust your energy and vision accordingly. The more you do this, and do it from the same neutrality that the Universe shows us, the better you’ll get at it.

Deep Peace to you all,
