Three steps to Changing or Creating anything in your life

This is a small excerpt from my forth-coming book on energy meditation. Enjoy!

“The first thing that happens in any creative process, whether that process is designed to manifest something in your life or to change something in your life, is that a decision has to be made. You have to decide what you want, or want to change. This decision includes the parameters of what the change/creation will look like, feel like, etc. Nothing happens until you decide you want it to happen. Once you’ve made the decision and decided what the specifics of it are, then you can move on to the second step.

The next part of this process is belief. You have to believe many things in order to achieve what you’ve decided you want. You have to believe, first and foremost, that it’s possible. If you don’t believe it’s possible to have what you want, all the decisions in the world will not make it so. Secondly, you have to believe it’s ok to have what you want. You can believe it’s possible to have it, but if it’s not ok for you to have it, it’ll never happen. This includes believing that you deserve what you want. This is you giving yourself permission to have.

Then you have to believe that you can have what you want easily and cleanly. You can believe it’s ok to have it and that it’s possible to have it and that you deserve to have it, but if you believe you have to struggle to get it or that it’s hard to achieve, then it’ll take forever to get it and you’ll wish you hadn’t decided you wanted that particular thing, because of all the hassle and grief you went through to get it.

Lastly, once you’ve made the decision, and you’ve gotten your beliefs about it in order, you have to be willing to allow yourself to have it. Without the willingness to change, or the willingness to let yourself have what you want, you will throw up huge resistances to achieving it. This is where the fun begins, because now you get to look inside yourself and see what is blocking you from being willing to have what you want. What form is the fear inside you taking that is causing the blockage?

I’ve seen this over and over again in my healing clients, as they go through the process of deciding and believing and then not manifesting because they were not willing to either have what they want, or to let go of something they are holding onto that no longer serves them, or both. Once you can clean that up, and using C.E.M. will help you do just that, then you can be willing to allow yourself to have more and more of what you truly want and to make any and all changes that you’ve been wanting to make.”

It may take some time and some practice, but once you’ve gotten it down, you’ll become unstoppable in manifesting anything and everything that you want. So…

Make the Decision,
Have the Belief,
Be Willing to allow it,

And it is yours. =)

Bright Blessings,

Ross – “Tolemac”

Law of Attraction Methods and Techniques: Part 1

Today, I want to talk with you about several key psychological, metaphysical, and energetic methods that you can use to help you to achieve whatever you want in this life. To my direct knowledge, none of these techniques are new, but you may just hear them expressed in a different way, and that may be the catalyst you have been looking for to start implementing them to improve yourself. I am going to write this in multiple parts, with this being part 1.

1. Write It Down, Get It Done

This first method is one that took me awhile to really apply in my daily life. I am always in “creative mode” in one form or another, and many is the idea that I let go because I wasn’t some place where I could easily write the idea down. Once I got to where I could write it down, the idea usually wasn’t as solid or I couldn’t remember parts of it. Very frustrating. Now, I try to keep a little notebook with me so that I can capture these ideas. The next thing is to get a waterproof voice recorder that I can take into the shower with me!

Ok, so aside from writing down ideas, what would you write down to help you to attain or achieve something? First on the list, I recommend you put down on paper exactly what you want to achieve. If it’s an item, describe it completely. Leave nothing out about how you want it to look, to feel, etc. If it’s a situation, then write how you want the situation to come about, and how you want it to flow, and how the resolution of the situation looks. Basically stated, create the beginning, middle and end of the situation. Remember, specific is terrific so be as specific as possible. Details are required to make it real in your thought pattern and energy. The more real it seems, the faster you’ll manifest it.

“The Point of Power Is In The Present Moment.” – Louise Hay

Always use the present tense when writing down your desires. If you use future tense in your words, you are pushing the thing you want out in front of you. Of course, there is an exception to this. The only words that I have seen work for some people that may be considered as “future tense” is saying something to the affect of “I’m in the process of…” It is sometimes easier to view your desire as taking shape, instead of being already formed, and if it feels better to you to say it that way, then do so. My only thing with this is that, to my mind anyway, you are going to have to wait on the desire, whereas using a strict present tense, you’ll manifest it quicker. But, that’s just me. As they say in the car industry, ‘your mileage may vary’, so use what works for you and be open to trying it different ways.

The next thing to write down is your goals. What do you want to do? When do you want to do it? How long do you want it to take to get there, and how long do you want to continue to do it? Again, make with the details, and be as specific as you can. If you don’t know about a certain aspect of your goal, don’t guess; find out about it. Do whatever research you need so that you have the best possible idea and vision of what your goal will look like. You can also write down as many goals as you want. Yes, you will be focusing on one or two at a time, but it’s better to have a few down on paper that you can look at and plan for. You always have the ability to modify these goals at any time.

One other thing about goals I want to mention. Some people will tell you to be realistic about them, especially with the short term ones. On the surface, that seems like sound advice, but I’ve seen many, many miracles in my life. I’ve seen people create situations that others thought were impossible, so I will not limit you in that way. The only thing that I’ll say in this regard is to be true to yourself. This brings me to the next method…

2. Anything Is Possible

After you have written down what you want, the most vital thing you can do to bring it about is to believe it. I mean this in all the ways that you can think of, to believe in it. The first thing is to believe it’s possible. Yes, it’s possible for you to attract, or manifest whatever is on your list. If you don’t believe it’s possible to have what you want, then it will never materialize for you. Ever. I don’t care how much you work, or how much money you save, if you can’t believe it, it won’t happen. Guaranteed. Something will always keep it from you.

Notice how some things come extremely easily to people, yet other things take them forever to achieve, if at all. That is strictly due to their limiting beliefs. Nothing says, “that can’t happen” or “that will never happen” or “that’s impossible” except ourselves. I cannot stress strongly enough how important this aspect of manifesting is. Without your inner belief that it is possible to create what you want, it will not happen. Believe, and you are one step closer to attaining everything. This goes right along with method 3:

3. Permission and Allowing.

You have to allow yourself to have it. You have to give yourself permission to have it. If you don’t allow yourself to have what you want, then no matter how much you believe it’s possible to have it, you are not going to give it to yourself. This is one of those ego trips we run on ourselves, because of feelings of unworthiness, and not being good enough. If you are dealing with this type of insecurity, it will block you from attaining anything that has any real emotional and spiritual value to you. You can tell if you have these feelings of unworthiness by what you do attract to yourself.

As an example, let’s say you want a new car, and you’ve been eyeing a new Mercedes that would be perfect for you. So, do you bring the Mercedes to you, or do you end up with a Chevy? If you got the Chevy, then I say hey, great job! You’ve manifested a new car, but it’s not the one you wanted. This type of situation is one way you can use to gauge where you are at with your allowing and permission. Look back over your life and simply notice when you allowed yourself to have exactly what you wanted and when you didn’t. There’s no fault or blame here, it’s just the way it was. Now you have tools to change it in your favor.

The other method I highly recommend you use to check out where you are at is the Prosperity Tool I showed you before. This will instantly tell you whether or not you are in a place energetically and emotionally to allow yourself to have your desire. By following that technique, you are telling the Universe, and more importantly, yourself, that you are ready to have it, you’re willing to have it and you’re allowing yourself to have it.

That’s it for today. In my next post, I’ll give you a few more methods to help you attract into your life whatever you desire.

Till then,

Bright Blessings!

Ross – “Tolemac”

Prosperity Tool To Increase Your Inner Abundance

I want to talk with you today about a great tool that I was taught many years ago. Like most of the techniques and processes that I’ve been sharing, it’s easy to do, doesn’t take much time and can be done wherever you have a few mintues to yourself.

When you use this technique, you’ll see exactly where you are at as far as your inner abundance is concerned, and you’ll begin to increase it. How much and how fast you increase it is up to you. With this tool, as with all things metaphysical, there is no limit.

To begin this process, make sure you are not going to be disturbed for at least five to ten mintues, if not longer. I find that fifteen to twenty minutes works for me the best, but your “time” will vary. Get into a comfortable seated position and ground yourself to the center of the earth. Make sure that you are fully in the center of your own head space, and that you are calm and relaxed. Ed. I highly recommend that you read my article on grounding, and that you are familiar with that technique, before attempting this one, as many of the processes I’m going to talk about are taken directly from that article.

Close your eyes and in your minds eye, I want you to picture a gauge in front of you. It can be any type of gauge that you want it to be with the only requirement being that it has to have numbers going from 0 to 100. This is your device that you will use to determine where you are at in your ability to give to yourself, whatever it is you want.

Once you have the gauge in front of you, see the number starting at 0. Now think of something that you want. An item, a situation, whatever. As you think of this thing, let the gauge begin to move through the numbers until it stops. Whatever number it stops at is the percentage level of your ability to give yourself that thing. Let’s say you want a new car, for example. You’d have that thought in your mind, and let the numbers move. If it stopped at 36, then your inner abundance to allow yourself to have a new car is at 36 percent.

Now comes the fun and exciting part. Obviously, 36% is not high enough to manifest a new car anytime soon, without a lot of struggle. So, give your gauge it’s own grounding cord. See that cord going from the gauge to the center of the earth. Now set the cord on release, and allow everyone elses energy to leave the gauge and go down the cord.

You may see the number increase just by doing that. Countless times, I have seen other peoples energy interferring with a clients ability to give to themselves. Now that the gauge is grounded, bring in a gold sun of neutral energy and fill up your gauge with it. This may cause the number to increase as well. If the number hasn’t increased to at least 90%, then you will move the gauge with your mind. See the numbers on the gauge moving higher. 40% – 60% – 75% and so on. Notice as you do this if you start to feel uncomfortable in any way. That’s your resistance/fear to allowing yourself to have that object or situation. If this comes up, simply forgive yourself and move that resistance down your grounding cord.

Continue moving the numbers higher until you get around 90% or so. Notice if it becomes harder to move the gauge or not. Sometimes it will, and other times it will not. If it does, that is normal, as your last bit of resistance will be highest when the percentage is at it’s highest on the gauge. When you can’t move the numbers any higher, or you hit 100 percent, see the gauge getting “locked in” at that number. You can visualize that in any way that feels strong and solid to you.

Once the number is locked in place, release the grounding cord from the gauge, create another gold sun of neutral energy, this time above you, and place the gauge inside it. Now bring that gold sun down inside of yourself and fill yourself up with it. Congratulations, you have now just increased your inner abundance by several factors.

This is an excellent method of granting yourself permission to have, do, or be, whatever you want. You can use this on literally anything you can think of. You may find that you have to check in with your new “permission gauge” several times for a specific desire, to keep the number at a high level, but once your consciousness gets used to the idea of giving yourself permission and allowing you to have, it gets easier and faster.

I look forward to hearing about your manifesting miracles from using this tool.

Bright Blessings!

Ross – “Tolemac”