This is a small excerpt from my forth-coming book on energy meditation. Enjoy!
“The first thing that happens in any creative process, whether that process is designed to manifest something in your life or to change something in your life, is that a decision has to be made. You have to decide what you want, or want to change. This decision includes the parameters of what the change/creation will look like, feel like, etc. Nothing happens until you decide you want it to happen. Once you’ve made the decision and decided what the specifics of it are, then you can move on to the second step.
The next part of this process is belief. You have to believe many things in order to achieve what you’ve decided you want. You have to believe, first and foremost, that it’s possible. If you don’t believe it’s possible to have what you want, all the decisions in the world will not make it so. Secondly, you have to believe it’s ok to have what you want. You can believe it’s possible to have it, but if it’s not ok for you to have it, it’ll never happen. This includes believing that you deserve what you want. This is you giving yourself permission to have.
Then you have to believe that you can have what you want easily and cleanly. You can believe it’s ok to have it and that it’s possible to have it and that you deserve to have it, but if you believe you have to struggle to get it or that it’s hard to achieve, then it’ll take forever to get it and you’ll wish you hadn’t decided you wanted that particular thing, because of all the hassle and grief you went through to get it.
Lastly, once you’ve made the decision, and you’ve gotten your beliefs about it in order, you have to be willing to allow yourself to have it. Without the willingness to change, or the willingness to let yourself have what you want, you will throw up huge resistances to achieving it. This is where the fun begins, because now you get to look inside yourself and see what is blocking you from being willing to have what you want. What form is the fear inside you taking that is causing the blockage?
I’ve seen this over and over again in my healing clients, as they go through the process of deciding and believing and then not manifesting because they were not willing to either have what they want, or to let go of something they are holding onto that no longer serves them, or both. Once you can clean that up, and using C.E.M. will help you do just that, then you can be willing to allow yourself to have more and more of what you truly want and to make any and all changes that you’ve been wanting to make.”
It may take some time and some practice, but once you’ve gotten it down, you’ll become unstoppable in manifesting anything and everything that you want. So…
Make the Decision,
Have the Belief,
Be Willing to allow it,
And it is yours. =)
Bright Blessings,
Ross – “Tolemac”