Affirmation for the new year – 2014

At the beginning of this new year, I asked to receive a new affirmation that would be powerful for everyone, no matter what is going on and in all situations, so that we can move forward throughout this year, strongly and confidently. The affirmation I was given is that and so very much more. It is in two parts with the second part being changeable depending on the situation you’re dealing with. Here is the main affirmation that will help you in all ways and with all things:

“I release the fear, and allow my life to flow”

Now I’d like to talk about the first part of this power statement. Unless you’ve really been working on yourself and have done this type of releasing already, you are currently dealing with fear on some level. It almost can’t be helped. It is part of our nature as an animal on this planet that we have this program deep within our psyche. Our animal brains were given the ability to tell when something was going to endanger us, either directly by way of a physical threat, or indirectly by way of depleting our food sources. All animals have the same reaction to these situations. Fight or flight. If the predator is of a size that we believe we can overcome, then we fight. If the predator is too big or too numerous to fight, then we flee the area and try to get away as fast as possible.

This is what all fear is about, and why the first part of the affirmation says “the fear”. It is that signal inside us that says either we’re dying, or are about to die, unless we fight or run. Despite the human race evolving on many levels, that program has not yet left us. We still feel it almost every day. We call it different names now, such as anger, depression, jealousy, etc. All of the emotions we term as “negative” have their basis in that fear. Of course the main difference now is that, for the most part, we are not under that same type of mortal threat. Unless we deliberately put ourselves into actual physically dangerous situations, we are not about to die. But tell that to our animal brain when the boss, or our spouse, or some idiot on the street starts yelling at us, or the bills pile up, or the car breaks down. We immediately go into the fear.

Because this is an almost automatic response, we hardly pay any real attention to it on a conscious level. We don’t stop ourselves in the moment that the fear comes up and ask ourselves, “Are we really in danger? Is my life being threatened in this moment?” and because we don’t ask that, it becomes a pattern of allowing ourselves to go into the fear any time we feel a threat on any level. That fear is what keeps us under stress. The stress is what creates the diseases that we end up having, because our bodies can’t handle that energy. Letting go of the fear removes the stress, which then allows our bodies to normalize and become healthy.

By saying even just the first part of the affirmation, “I release the fear”, you are beginning the process of becoming aware of what you are doing to yourself, and taking the steps to change it. The more you allow yourself to be aware of how your thinking and your emotional reaction is changing your energy, the more you’ll use tools like this to let go of what doesn’t work for you. Let’s move on now to the second part of the affirmation.

This is the part that can be changed to suit any situation. You can, of course, just use the main one without changing it, and still get great effect from it, or you can allow yourself to come up with appropriate words for the second part to fit whatever is going on in your life in this moment. As an example, say you are not feeling very loving with yourself and others. Simply change it to say “I release the fear, and allow my love to flow”. This is one of the beautiful things about receiving this kind of information. It is literally infinite. I highly suggest that you use my Grounding and Centering technique while using this affirmation. Simply see the fear moving down your grounding cord and into the center of the earth as you release it. This will aid you greatly in letting that energy go, and feeling better right away.

Here are some more examples that you can use to change any aspect of your life quickly, cleanly and easily:

I release the fear, and allow my energy to flow.
I release the fear, and allow my health to flow.
I release the fear, and allow my prosperity to flow.
I release the fear, and allow my joy to flow.
I release the fear, and allow my happiness to flow.

May this affirmation help you to release the fear and allow your life to flow with ease, beauty and strength. =)

Bright Blessings,

Ross – “Tolemac”

Because Divine Source Energy only knows…

Here’s another idea for a new type of affirmation that I came up with a couple of days ago and completely fell in love with the concept.

What you are wanting to do here is to remember that you are one with Divine Source Energy. Because you are one with all that is, and as an aspect of Source, you have the abilities of Divine Source Energy as well. With that in mind, here are some examples of how to use this knowing in an affirmation:

Because Divine Source Energy only knows love,
I only know love.

Because Divine Source Energy only knows happiness,
I only know happiness.

Because Divine Source Energy only knows peace,
I only know peace.

Because Divine Source Energy only knows complete health,
I only know complete health.

Because Divine Source Energy only knows joy and freedom,
I only know joy and freedom.

Because Divine Source Energy only knows prosperity and abundance on all levels,
I only know prosperity and abundance on all levels.

Because Divine Source Energy only knows vibrational alignment with its desires,
I only know vibrational alignment with my desires.

Now add your own and really play with this. I have dozens and dozens so far, and more on the way as I think of new ones to say every day. The more you say these types of affirmations, either out loud or to yourself, the more you will begin to really feel them working. The ones I have listed are examples, and I listed them as they came to me. If they work for you, great! If not, then change the wording and the structure to suit what feels best to you.

Combine these with the Morning Affirmations I posted the other day, and the Personalized Affirmation sets and you are giving yourself a real boost of energy and positive thought. As always, make sure you’re grounded first, so that the affirmations can have a fuller effect. =)

Bright Blessings!

Ross – “Tolemac”

Morning Affirmations

I’d like to give you an easy and straightforward process that you can do every morning. What this does is begin to set the energy of the day, and set your personal energy, to a higher vibration. Many people don’t realize how they are affecting themselves and their day by simply hitting the alarm, rolling out of the nice warm bed, and going to the bathroom, or making coffee, or whatever, before they are even in their bodies and fully awake.

This leads to the morning getting off to a rather chaotic start, where you do something hilarious like brushing your teeth with some ointment instead of the tooth paste, yet millions do this very thing every single day. I want to show you how to simply and easily change that habit into one that will serve you better and have you feeling better throughout the day. If you’ve been a regular reader of my site here, then you know that the first thing I recommend for anyone, at any time, is to get grounded. Using the grounding techniques when you first wake up gets you back into your body fully and completely, and gets you back into the center of your head, where you need to be to function properly. Now let’s talk about affirmations.

Your Words Have Power

The whole idea behind using any affirmation is three-fold. The first step is to begin to get the positive statements into your head, both on a conscious and subconscious level. This starts getting you used to saying positive messages about yourself which breaks up the habit of saying negative messages about yourself. This, in turn, will help you to be aware of when you do have negative internal thoughts. Then, you’ll be able to catch those negative thoughts and turn them into positive ones.

The second step is to allow the affirmations to activate the feelings each one invokes in you. When I say “your words have power”, that’s not an idle esoteric bemusing. It’s the truth. Why do your words have power? Because we assign ’emotion’ to each and every one of them. Now, the emotion may not be very big, say for a “common” word such as “and”, but there is still some emotional content there. Of course, for the words that have deep meaning, significance and relevance to our lives, the emotional content is huge! This is one of the reasons why one affirmation doesn’t work for everyone. We all have different levels of emotion and energy infused with each word or statement. What may have tremendous impact on you, may have little to no impact on me.

The third step is to allow the positive emotion that comes up from the affirmation to change your energy and vibration. You see, the idea is not to just say the affirmations “by rote” like you did in school, but to actually feel the emotional and energetic shift that takes place when you say them. When you are fully conscious and aware of that energy shift, you feel the good emotions even more. By having your attention and focus on allowing those better feeling thoughts and emotions, you become more in control of you. You are now deliberately creating how you feel.

I Choose How I Feel

Once you accept that fact, that you choose how you feel, you will begin to see how you’ve allowed your emotions to have their way with you, as it were, since forever. Very few of us are taught these things when we’re young and can use them to gift ourselves an amazing emotional life. I wasn’t taught this until I hit 30, so there was a lot of releasing of old patterns that had to take place, but the more I did these types of processes, the faster I was able to let go and be in charge of myself and allow myself to feel good. That is the whole point here, to feel better.

By deliberately and consciously choosing to feel better, no matter what may appear to be going on around you, you are actively deciding how your life is in the moment, and will be in the following moments. Abraham calls this being in the “Vortex”. This simply means that you are in alignment with your self, fully and completely and it feels really good when you do. Using the Morning Affirmation process is a great step in getting you there on a regular basis.

The Process

So, the clock has just gone off. Instead of bolting out of bed, keep your eyes closed and ground yourself. Be in the center of your head. Breathe easily. Now, begin to say, either out loud or to yourself, any or all of the following affirmations:

  • I give thanks and gratitude for the love that flows to me, through me and from me.
  • I give thanks and gratitude for the joy that flows to me, through me and from me.
  • I give thanks and gratitude for the peace that flows to me, through me and from me.
  • I give thanks and gratitude for the appreciation that flows to me, through me and from me.
  • I give thanks and gratitude for the healing that flows to me, through me and from me.
  • I give thanks and gratitude for the positivity that flows to me, through me and from me.
  • I give thanks and gratitude for the prosperity that flows to me, through me and from me.
  • I give thanks and gratitude for the wealth that flows to me, through me and from me.
  • I give thanks and gratitude for the generosity that flows to me, through me and from me.
  • I give thanks and gratitude for the blessings that flow to me, through me and from me.
  • I give thanks and gratitude for the love that flows to me, through me and from me.

My current favorite affirmation that I say throughout the day, but most definitely first thing in the morning before I get up, really helps set the energy for the rest of the day:

  • I give thanks for this wonderful day. Miracle will follow miracle and my life is filled with love and wonders and joy and prosperity.
  • In just 5 minutes, you’ve completely changed your emotions, your energy and your mental outlook. Now you are in control of who you are and what you are becoming. In keeping with that idea, I highly suggest that you use an alarm clock that has a music option, instead of the typical buzzers and ringers. With music waking you up, you are much more relaxed and not in that immediate “WAKE UP!” mode the buzzers put you in. Your body will thank you for not having to deal with the adrenaline rush every morning.

    One other thing to note here, you don’t have to use these exact affirmations. Change the words, or the entire structure, to suit you. As long as the affirmations you do use have meaning for you and feel powerful to you is all that matters. Just do this every morning, and repeat them throughout the day if that feels good to do, and you’ll notice the change in the first two weeks. You’ll wake up with a smile on your face, and you’ll be ready to go into the day with excitement and enthusiasm.

    If you’d like more affirmations to use in creating a better life for yourself, you can own a set of Personalized Affirmations made specifically for you based on whatever you are wanting to work on. =)

    Bright Blessings,

    Ross – “Tolemac”

    The Law Of Attraction and Wishful Thinking

    Ever since the movie The Secret came out, I have read over and over again from many and varied sources how the Law of Attraction is merely “wishful thinking” and that it doesn’t really work the way that it is portrayed in any of the movies, books, recordings, etc. written about it.

    I have even seen some people, who are otherwise huge new age and metaphysical proponents, completely bash LOA as being nothing more than delusional and wishful thinking. When asked by others why doesn’t it work the way it’s advertized to work, the ones against it say things like “it just doesn’t” or “it can’t work like that”, and “that’s just wishful thinking” and “it’s pseudoscience”.

    You're kidding me, right??

    The thing is that they are under the mistaken impression that all you have to do is “think about what you want and it materializes”. They believe that LOA is somehow “magic” and that those who are espousing it are claiming magical properties for it. Well, no that’s not how it works, and it’s not how anyone I’ve seen talking or writing about it has protrayed it. I read one post where the poster was sighting the story in The Secret about the young boy who “wished” for a new bike and got it. The thing is, he didn’t just “wish” for it. He visualized it. He saw it as his. He drew a picture of himself with the bike. All of these things are in fact just one thing. That thing is taking action.

    In his book, “Affirmations”, Stuart Wilde talks about this very thing.

    He gives an example of a young woman who dreams of being a successful Hollywood actress, yet all of her affirmations aren’t going to get her there as long as she’s still living in Kansas. He says you have to take action. You have to be emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually in a place that is as conducive as possible to achieve your desires. You see, the Universe responds whether you believe it does or not, but you will only get positive results if you believe in yourself. When you believe in yourself, you automatically put yourself in the right places at the right times. If you don’t believe in yourself, then your results are not going to turn out as you want them to.

    I think, therefore, I am. I think.

    Way too often we do not believe in ourselves. We’ve been conditioned all our lives that we can’t just have what we want. That we have to struggle and slog and “work hard” to achieve anything. Usually then and only then do we give ourselves permission to have what we want. Then we use terms like “I earned it” or “I worked hard for this” and because we’ve got everyone else and our egos tellings us that’s the only way to get anything, we believe it. On top of that, if we see someone else getting something that they want without any struggle or years of labor, we think they must have cheated, or that they were somehow “lucky”.

    Nonsense. Utter and complete nonsense, yet we do this to ourselves our whole lives. Ask anyone who has achieved any level of greatness in most any endeavor and they’ll all basically say the same thing. They made their own luck. They had a desire, and used their imagination and thoughts and will to bring it about. However, most people don’t want to hear that because, and this is where it starts to border on insanity, that requires work and effort.

    Wait… what? Didn’t they just say that it requires work and effort and struggle to achieve anything? Now, when given a sure fire recipe to achieve what they want with a minimum of effort, they say “that takes too much work.” I’ve even read several posts where people actually argue that the things they have achieved in this life was done without using their thoughts or imagination at all. Ok, let’s leave imagination out of it for a moment, and just deal with the thoughts/thinking part. To say that you achieved anything and that you didn’t use your “thoughts” to get you there, is ludicrous in the extreme. Of course you used your thoughts. Your thoughts are what brought the idea to you in the first place. You “think” things like “Hey, that person has a car, and I’d like a car of my own. Hmm, wonder how I get a car. Well, I’ll have to get some money, which means getting a job, or borrowing it, and then once I’ve gotten enough money, I’ll have to go to the dealership and figure out which one I want, and then I’ll have to think about getting insurance for it and maybe a maintainence plan and….”

    Hey, wait a minute. That’s an awful lot of thoughts and thinking going on here. And that’s just for one small example. To say or even (if you’ll pardon the pun) “think” that your thinking is not involved in the creation process is just a bit on the nutty side of things.

    “One mans magic is another mans engineering” – Robert Heinlein

    This is the main point of this post really. There is no “magic” involved with the Law of Attraction. It’s not fairyland dreaming, or pixie dust apparitions. It is what it is. A power that works all the time, every time, for everyone. Until scientists figured out how to actually harness and use electricity, the idea of it was considered magic. Even after it was harnessed, and the first light bulb was shown to the world, people still believed it was magic, and some of them said it was evil, because it wasn’t “natural”. Yet, it didn’t matter what anyone thought or believed about electricty, because it was always there, waiting to be “discovered”. It’s no different with the Law of Attraction.

    Does it matter where it comes from or how it does what it does? No, it doesn’t. The bottom line is that, just like with electricity, you either use it to your advantage, or you don’t. It’s up to you to decide how you want to live your life. On your own terms, or at the whim of “chance” and “fate”.

    May you choose wisely.

    In my next post, I’m going to talk about the various necessary methods and steps that will help us in achieving all that we want.

    Deep Peace.

    Ross – “Tolemac”