Your Declaration of Financial Independence – Part 2

I’ve been getting some really wonderful and positive feedback from you all about the Declaration of Financial Independence post that I put up in January. Because of this, I decided to create a meditation, using the words from the Declaration and a theta metronome. This is a 20 minute meditation, with the metronome starting out first by fading in, then my voice coming in about 45 seconds from the start saying the complete Declaration. I did this to give you a few seconds to allow your brain to get into the theta rhythm by itself without any other influence.

The Declaration is repeated 9 times over the 20 minutes, then the metronome plays by itself for one minute, slowly fading out to silence. I recommend that you listen to this at least once a day, and to keep up with your schedule of reading the Declaration 3 times a day. Between the theta metronome, and my voice repeating the words over and over, you will really amp up your vibration for prosperity and financial independence.

Because I am using a metronome instead of a brainwave binaural beat to induce the theta state, you can use headphones, or your PC’s speakers. Either one will produce the same results. The theta state is from around 4 to 7 brainwave cycles per second, and is the state associated with deep relaxation, increased creativity and intuition, expanded learning and problem solving, it gives a boost to the immune system and helps with long term memory, along with the ability to program your unconscious mind.

As with any meditation, find a time when you will not be disturbed for at least 25 minutes, so that you can prepare before the meditation, and have some time after the meditation to return to your alpha brainwave pattern. Sit in a comfortable position, make sure you are grounded and in the center of your head. Start the track and relax with your hands on your legs, with your palms up. If you want, you can include a simple mudhra (a hand position used by many Eastern philosophies and religions) by connecting your thumb and middle finger at the tips.

While listening to the metronome, breathe easily and deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. Don’t focus on the words being spoken. Instead listen for the spaces of silence in between the theta beeps. Hear the metronome in the center of your head, and allow yourself to become aware of the spaces of silence. This is a focusing tool that will help reduce the “mind chatter” that sometimes comes up when meditating.

And now, your Declaration of Financial Independence meditation…



Ross – “Tolemac”

Your Declaration of Financial Independence

This is a very powerful affirmation, that will get your vibration/energy, your consciousness and your sub-conscious mind into the idea of creating wealth. I have it on my altar in the wealth corner of my room, and read it three times each day. It really does set up a wonderful vibration of affirmation and expectancy. May it serve you well!

Declaration of Financial Independence

I am the source of all wealth.
I am rich with creative ideas.
My mind abounds with new, original, inspired thoughts.
What I have to offer is unique, and the world desires it.
My value is beyond reckoning.
What the world needs and desires, I am ready to produce and to give
What the world needs and desires, I recognize and fulfill.
The bounty of my mind is without hinderance or limit.
Nothing can stand in the way of my inspired creativeness.
The overflowing power of Life Force energy overcomes every obstacle and pours out into the world, blessing and prospering everyone and everything through me.
I radiate blessings.
I radiate creativity.
I radiate prosperity.
I radiate loving service.
I radiate Joy, Beauty, Peace, Wisdom and Power.
Humanity seeks me and rewards me.
I am beloved of the world.
I am wanted wherever I go.
I am appreciated.
What I have to offer is greatly desired.
What I have to offer brings a rich reward.
Through my vision the world is blessed.
Through my clear thinking and steadfast purpose, wonderful new values come into expression.
My vision is as the vision of the mighty ones.
My faith is as the faith of the undefeated.
My power to accomplish is unlimited.
I, in my utmost God Source, am all wealth, all power, all productivity.
I hereby declare my financial freedom, NOW and henceforth forever!

This declaration of financial independence is a powerful statement of the truth about you. When it is read aloud with deep feeling, three times a day, at morning, noon, and night, it sinks into the subconscious where it works a silent miralce. It will transform negative attitudes into positive affirmations of faith, and mightily stirring up the spiritual forces which lie within every human mind, dormant until they are called into action. Give this unique declaration a serious trial for the next 30 days and watch the miracles coming into your life! Again, read this aloud for best effect.

Blessed Be!


Quick edit: Talk about syncronicity! After I posted this this morning, I received an email from Dr. Joe Vitale (Mr. Fire) with this exact declaration! It seems he recently posted it on his website as well! Gotta love how the Universe works! It just affirms to me that this is one of those things that needs to be out there and practiced by as many people as possible, so please share this with everyone you know. The more people affirming this in their lives, the better we will all be! Brightest Blessings to you all!