The Neutrality Of The Law Of Attraction

We all know how powerful the Law of Attraction is and we’ve either seen, heard or had our own experiences of it in wonderful, positive ways. What I want to do here is give you an example of how NOT to use the Law of Attraction, and to show you in no uncertain terms, that the Universal Law of Attraction is completely neutral. From what I have read and heard from many people, it seems to me that the predominant thought is that the Law is “good” by nature, and that by using it, only “good” can come from it.

While you can indeed bring positive things, people, events, etc. into your life, you can also bring in disaster just as easily. In fact, even more easily, for we are all trained to be in fear and to believe the “worst” will happen, instead of focusing on the “best” happening.

The incident I’m about to relate happened to me, so I know whereof I speak. I also know all too well just how fast the Universe can respond! Whether it’s positive intention and vibes you are putting out or negative ones, the Universe does not care. It simply responds to the energy of your intention.

My first true experience of this type of intending was done in a very negative fashion. I had gone to the Star Trek convention at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. When I got there, I saw that the parking was $5! This was in 1985, and that was a lot of money to shell out just for parking! So, I got mad (read: afraid) and said screw that, I’ll park on the street. So I went around to the main street behind the hotel, parked my car, got out and popped 2 quarters into the meter. Just as I was about to turn the corner to go into the hotel parking lot and to the convention entrance, I said to myself (in full arrogant voice) “I dare anyone to break into my car! Grrr!@$%!!”

I then went and enjoyed myself at the convention. When I went back to my car two hours later to put in a couple more quarters, you guessed it, the car had been broken into, and everything stolen. I was stunned. I thought I had put up a protection around it, but no. That was an illusion. I had put my fear around it and instead of protecting it, I manifested getting robbed.

Needless to say, I learned my lesson right then and there! This is also when I realized the Universe is not picky about what it sends. It doesn’t choose, it merely reflects our energy back to us. The more intense the energy, the faster it reflects it back.

In the movie “The Secret”, Joe Vitale called the Law of Attraction a catalog that you placed your order with. Years ago, my friend Stuart Wilde said think of it as a great storehouse with everything in it, and it’s just waiting for your order. When he said “everything” he meant EVERYTHING! Everything and anything you can think of is availble to us. Any object, experience, person, all of it. Your choice. You decide, and it’s delivered.

Obviously, on that day, I had chosen to have the Universe show me what attracting fear and arrogance will get me. I lost my guitar and amplifier, a 24″ master recording tape my friends and I had just finished recording, (those were in the trunk) the car stereo, and everything out of the glove box. It was devastating at the time, and it took a couple days of introspection to sort it all out. Once I did, it felt even worse, because I knew that I had brought it about.

So you see, the Law of Attraction is completely neutral. “It” doesn’t care. “It” is simply our energy reflected back to us. If you put out positive energy, that is strongly intended, you’ll receive positive energy and very quickly. If you put out positive energy, but your intention is weak or wishy-washy, then you’ll get a weak result. You would not believe how fierce I was that day, internally shouting at the world. That is another lesson I learned. If you are powerful in your intent, it’ll show up quicker. You decide what you want and how quickly you want it.

Another thing to remember is that you have to be specific! The Law is neutral, and it doesn’t read minds. You have to tell it exactly what you want. Stuart used to say, “If you just say you want new shoes, you’ll end up with size 18 pink and yellow clown shoes with fuschia polkadots!” Remember, specific is terrific. Don’t be vague about what you want. Write it down, read it over, change it as needed, edit it so that it’s WHAT YOU WANT! Now, you can project that image with strong intent out into the energy of the universe, and it will respond.

The Universe and the Law of Attraction are neither “good” or “bad”. They simply are. In being neutral, they allow us to evolve as we decide. So, when things are not showing up as you want them to, look at the level of your intention. Look at the level of how specific you were in what you want. Do not berate yourself for it not happening as you first envisioned, but instead, forgive yourself and adjust your energy and vision accordingly. The more you do this, and do it from the same neutrality that the Universe shows us, the better you’ll get at it.

Deep Peace to you all,


Your Declaration of Financial Independence

This is a very powerful affirmation, that will get your vibration/energy, your consciousness and your sub-conscious mind into the idea of creating wealth. I have it on my altar in the wealth corner of my room, and read it three times each day. It really does set up a wonderful vibration of affirmation and expectancy. May it serve you well!

Declaration of Financial Independence

I am the source of all wealth.
I am rich with creative ideas.
My mind abounds with new, original, inspired thoughts.
What I have to offer is unique, and the world desires it.
My value is beyond reckoning.
What the world needs and desires, I am ready to produce and to give
What the world needs and desires, I recognize and fulfill.
The bounty of my mind is without hinderance or limit.
Nothing can stand in the way of my inspired creativeness.
The overflowing power of Life Force energy overcomes every obstacle and pours out into the world, blessing and prospering everyone and everything through me.
I radiate blessings.
I radiate creativity.
I radiate prosperity.
I radiate loving service.
I radiate Joy, Beauty, Peace, Wisdom and Power.
Humanity seeks me and rewards me.
I am beloved of the world.
I am wanted wherever I go.
I am appreciated.
What I have to offer is greatly desired.
What I have to offer brings a rich reward.
Through my vision the world is blessed.
Through my clear thinking and steadfast purpose, wonderful new values come into expression.
My vision is as the vision of the mighty ones.
My faith is as the faith of the undefeated.
My power to accomplish is unlimited.
I, in my utmost God Source, am all wealth, all power, all productivity.
I hereby declare my financial freedom, NOW and henceforth forever!

This declaration of financial independence is a powerful statement of the truth about you. When it is read aloud with deep feeling, three times a day, at morning, noon, and night, it sinks into the subconscious where it works a silent miralce. It will transform negative attitudes into positive affirmations of faith, and mightily stirring up the spiritual forces which lie within every human mind, dormant until they are called into action. Give this unique declaration a serious trial for the next 30 days and watch the miracles coming into your life! Again, read this aloud for best effect.

Blessed Be!


Quick edit: Talk about syncronicity! After I posted this this morning, I received an email from Dr. Joe Vitale (Mr. Fire) with this exact declaration! It seems he recently posted it on his website as well! Gotta love how the Universe works! It just affirms to me that this is one of those things that needs to be out there and practiced by as many people as possible, so please share this with everyone you know. The more people affirming this in their lives, the better we will all be! Brightest Blessings to you all!

The Power Of Thought

Your thoughts have the power to directly affect you and each aspect of your life. Your thoughts are the vital tools you use to create and shape the reality that you experience. Your thoughts are totally responsible for the creation of your emotional state on all levels, affecting your body, health and your daily living, influencing your responses to all your relationships, your life and in determining your choices.

Your thoughts have the power to enable reality on all levels of realities. At times however, this “reality” (let’s be honest here and call it what it is, your ego) will try to tell you otherwise. Your ego will have you believing that your fate lies outside of you. In other people’s hands, for instance, or to things that appear to be beyond your control. That is when you start to lose the power each of us has, which is the power and capability to create our reality.

When you “lose” this power, you then make it easier for others to change and manipulate your own world into that which they want it to be, instead of you transforming it yourself into what you really want it to be. Keep in mind that you and only you have that right and that power to make your own world and reality.

Whether you are creating or re-creating your own reality, maintaining a positive and healthy attitude is a major prerequisite. You have to remember that every success comes from your own capability to attract the positive energy that is available to us all. You have to recognize that you intentionally create every event that you live through for your enlightenment.

While you have been deceived by your ego self and appearances, the illusion constantly builds up like prison walls because you were not successful in bringing in the life force energy of happiness and positivity. You must concentrate on those things that guarantee a positive outlook and the concept of success.  The reason for this is simple yet very powerful. Being inside of and controlled by negative energy, it grows and brings in only negative energy.

Remember, Energy always flows to us. If we express negativity, then negative energy will stream to us, just like gasoline set on fire. The fire is attracted to the gasoline as a fuel source until the fire consumes everything and dies out. It cannot live without something assisting in its creation. The fire will wipe out everything in its path provided that there is still energy feeding it.  The moment that the fires fuel is gone, then the fire will, by the laws of nature, extinguish itself.

This is the exact same law that exists in every person’s thoughts and feelings. The energy you produce will feed on the same equivalent energy that is in existence within that certain thought.  Negative thoughts always feed on negative energy, and likewise in the same manner, positive thoughts always attract and feed on positive energy.

The more negative thoughts and feelings that you have, the more you’ll create negative energy all around you. This negative energy in time will literally build up so incredibly around your life that it can become almost impossible to achieve anything even remotely like a positive thought or feeling.

This explains why negative individuals have negative incidents happen to them.  Left unchecked, this negative energy goes on haunting certain individuals for years to such an extent that these people feel like they were born unlucky or that they are probably cursed. In point of fact, they created this negative energy solely by their thought patterns and have allowed it to accumulate to such an intense degree. 

Fortunately, you have the power to rewrite your reality. You have the ability to eliminate this negative energy that you have brought in. You can remove it with positive and inspiring thoughts, all the time, every time.  Continuously doing so will extinguish the negative fire burning within you. 

Here are a few simple ways that you can use to rewrite your thoughts and your reality:

1.  You must change your beliefs and your attitude concerning your current reality. Start by shifting your attention and focus in the direction that you believe will bring you more peace and happiness. Reverse negative thoughts into positive ones. Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, as soon as you can, recognize it for what it is, forgive yourself for having the “negative thought”, let it go and counter it with a positive thought.  Forgiveness is a huge step in the process of letting go of negativity. Remember, you are in the current position/situation, because of your past thoughts and feelings. Change to positive thought and feeling and your new reality will change to match the new energy.

2.  In your mind’s eye, create an image of what the new and positive reality that you want to achieve looks like and focus on it constantly. Make the image as real in your mind as you can make it. Add color and textures. Add sound and feeling to it. Surround it with as many positive “source images” as you can. A “source image” is an image that you already have an experience of, whether positive or negative. Bring in one (or more than one) that brought you peace and positivity and joy. When you need to decide on a certain aspect or situation in your life, refer to that image, to help you with your decision-making. 

3. Begin to heal all of your old negative thoughts. Take a look inside yourself and determine what needs to be worked on and how you want to work on it. Remember to keep focusing on the positive reality that you want to create and never be afraid to take the steps towards it.  Remember, negativity is fear. All fear is simply a fear of loss, so look at what you thought you were losing that made you afraid. Realize that you have lost nothing really, and that you can regain anything you “thought” you lost by changing how you think about it.

If you want to succeed in every circumstance in your life, it means that you must use the power of your thoughts to create the reality that you want. Bring your attention to a sharp focus on the thoughts, images and feelings that you want to project and achieve. Now, combined with the passionate, positive feeling you’ve nourished deep inside you, your thoughts will be able to bring to you all that you truly desire.

Brightest Blessings!
