Understanding Manifestation and Creation

Here’s a situation I see fairly frequently with friends and clients who are new to the Law of Attraction and metaphysics in general. They tend to not fully understand manifestation and creation in regards to the Law of Attraction and how they are the major part of that manifestation.

When I’ve asked them “when are you manifesting and creating?”, most say that when they’ve created something “big” in their lives, whether it was a positive or negative experience, then that is when they were manifesting. They can see the evidence of the Law of Attraction and how it works in their lives, but their perspective is narrow, as they are only looking at these large events that have taken place.

This is not unusual. Most people only really remember the “big events” of their life. Those that have impacted them in a strong emotional way. Rarely does anyone recall or remember the small things that happen on a daily basis. Because we are not taught to pay attention to everything going on around us and inside us, we tend to let those small things drift out of our consciousness. I see this as one of the blocks to our spiritual evolution, and another reason why some people have a difficult time manifesting what they want.

Here is what I tell my healing clients and metaphysical students:

Everything that is in your life right now, you manifested. Everything that has ever been in your life, you manifested.

So what do I mean by “everything”? I mean exactly that. Everything. Every moment, every thought, every action, every feeling, every experience; you created for yourself. That’s what we are. We’re creators and manifestors. We have thoughts, which create feelings, which create desires, which create manifestations. By understanding that this is who we are and this is how we operate, we can now see that EVERYTHING we do is a creation and that it is all sacred.

Does this mean you have to acknowledge every minute thing in your life? Every thought, or feeling, or action, no matter how seemingly insignificant? Of course, you acknowledge everything, but you don’t have to examine each thing separately. You can if you want to, but that would cause you to not get much accomplished, as you’d be too busy acknowledging every breath, and every heart beat, etc. No, you don’t have to go to that extreme, but you do have to acknowledge, in general, that you are the one manifesting all of these things going on, and to be grateful for them in your life.

That said, I will tell you that the more you do acknowledge, appreciate and are grateful for the smaller events and experiences in your life, the more positive experiences you’ll create for yourself. This is the main principle of the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. As you become more and more grateful for all that is around and in you, more and more circumstances will be created that you can be grateful for.

What Is Your Perspective?

Another aspect to understanding manifestation and creation is knowing what your perspective is. To illustrate this point, let me give you my favorite example. If you are looking at a rose, then what are you seeing? Well, a flowering bush that we call a rose, that has certain colors and smells and other characteristics we find pleasurable, for the most part. There are the thorns, which are not pleasurable, but if we’re careful then we don’t have to worry about them. In the main, it’s a beautiful flower, and we enjoy it. 



Now what if you were a farmer raising daisies? What would your perspective be then, if you saw a rose in the middle of your daisy field? Now, that is no longer a beautiful flower to be admired for it’s color and scent. No, now that rose a weed. But wait a minute, it’s a rose. How can one of the most cherished flowers in history be thought of as a weed? From the perspective of the farmer, it’s easy. The rose is not where it “should” be, and it certainly isn’t supposed to be in the middle of the daisies.

This example can be applied to everything that you experience. Do you see how our perspective changes everything? To most, the idea of a single rose bush flowering in the middle of all the white and yellow of the daisies would be an interesting contrast indeed, but the farmer’s gone for the weed killer and a hoe. Once you recognize that how you see things determines your feelings about them, you can begin to change your perspective to one that is not limiting and negative. One of the fastest ways to do this is by acknowledging that you were the one who created whatever is in front of you to begin with.

This will give you an opportunity to re-examine your perspective on the object, person or situation and change it to a more positive one. If it’s something that is “perceived” as a negative, then forgive yourself, let the negativity of it go, and even if you can’t see anything particularly positive about it at the moment, at least get as neutral to it as you can. Once you practice this, you’ll see how your feelings and perspective changes about everything around you. You will begin to bring in much more positive experiences into your life.

By understanding that you create it all and that you have the ability to change your perspective, you will allow yourself to see more than you’ve seen before. You will give yourself a view of your life that is clear and uncluttered. You will give yourself a level of gratitude and love higher than you’ve ever experienced. In turn, your prosperity and abundance, on all levels, will grow tremendously.

Bright Blessings to you!

Ross – Tolemac

Law of Attraction – Methods and Techniques: Part 3

In this last part, I want to talk with you about what I believe is the number one thing that you have to have, use, feel, and be if you truly want to manifest anything in your life. To this end, I want to tell you two stories about how I came to understand this particular idea that completely changed how I view, not only my life and how I live it, but everything.

To begin, I need to go back to 1973 when I was 15 years old, and had first developed my own metaphysical philosophy. I had just started exploring the writings of every known metaphysician of the time, and allowing myself to understand my abilities, even if I wasn’t “in control” of them as yet. While the majority of the books were beyond dull for the most part and written in stylistic language, I got the concepts of what they were saying. Combining that with the various ideas from the science fiction books I constantly read, I came up with my first true belief system. Others along the way have also written of this concept, but as far as I know I’m the only one who looks at it in this particular way.

My concept is simple. I think of Source Energy, The Divine, God, All That Is (what ever you choose to call it) as a diamond of infinite size with infinite facets. Each facet is a life, or life time. We look out through a facet and observe and experience “our life”. Because we are only looking through one facet, we are limited in what we can see and experience. By using metaphysical techniques such as meditation, we can actually turn our “mind’s eyes” inward and see that indeed, we are all one thing. That we are aspects of Source Energy, which is experiencing itself through our experiences.

For years, I thought that this philosophy was fairly complete and I didn’t see the need to add or subtract anything from it. Even the Native Americans had a saying for what I believed. The Lakotah say “Mitakuye Oyasin!” which means “We are all related”. And they mean related to everything. They pray to the animals, and the plants and the insects and stars and everything and call them “brothers” and “sisters”. I fell in love with the Lakotah way and incorporated their beliefs and teachings into my daily life. Then, a few months ago, everything changed.

I had an epiphany. I’m talking about one in the true dictionary definition of the word. Merriam-Webster’s third definiton is the one I mean:

3 a (1): a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (2): an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking (3): an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure b: a revealing scene or moment

Indeed, this was something that was both simple and striking and it gave me an even deeper insight into the nature of everything. I was petting our cat Squeak; enjoying his company and the trilling sounds he makes when he’s really happy and being grateful for his presence, when words came to me that I had never spoken before. I looked at him and said, “Thank you for sharing your life with me.”

The energy and impact of those words reverberate through me to this day. Allowing myself the understanding and true meaning of that simple sentence changed how I perceived everything. It not only drove home in a much deeper way our connection to all things we consider “living”, but to ALL THINGS THAT ARE!

We use the term “inanimate” because to our eyes, certain objects are not moving. Physics says everything vibrates and moves, even if it takes sophisticated scientific equipment to see the actual vibration. You see, it’s always a question of our perspective. We tend to see and experience only what we allow ourselves to “see”. Once we let ourselves truly see, then we widen our perspective and can experience even more of this life.

This simple sentence allowed me to experience a sense of gratitude deeper than I’ve ever felt in my life. I became instantly aware of the living presence that is everything. I came to the realization that everything that is in my experience was sharing it’s experience and “life” with me. From the computer desk where I write this, to the newly sprouted weeds in the backyard, to everything you can name; it’s all sharing it’s life with me, right here, right now.

Since that day, I carry with me an immense feeling of deep gratitude for everything that is. I constantly say “thank you for sharing your life with me” to everything around me. I am so profoundly grateful for everything I am, everything I was, everything I will be and for everything I experience, whether that be an object, a person or a situation.

Once you start to incorporate this idea into your life, your perspective will change as well. How you perceive and experience everything will change. Once you come to the realization that this is the main thing that is happening all around us; that everything in our experience is sharing it’s life with you, your level of gratitude will absolutely soar! If you know this, feel this, BELIEVE this, everything else will fall into place. Even if you do nothing else in your life, this simple act will increase your abundance on all levels. By understanding that we are all here together; that there is no real separation; that everything is ONE! then you will have aligned yourself with Source Energy in such a powerful way that everything you want and desire cannot help but be made manifest in your experience.

This is, in my humble opinion, the most powerful thought, act, way of being that will improve every aspect of your life. By having this level of gratitude for all things in your life, you are in reality saying “I love you” to all that is. Nothing is more powerful than that. Nothing is more fulfilling than that. Nothing is more sacred than that.


Thank you for sharing your life with me.

I love you.

Ross – Tolemac

Law of Attraction – Methods and Techniques: Part 2

Seeing Is Believing

Of course, what I’m talking about here is using visualization as a tool to help you manifest what you want. You’ve written down what your desire is, you believe you can have it and you are giving yourself permission and allowing it into your reality. To give all of that an immense energetic boost, you plug into your natural ability to visualize the object or situation.

By going into any form of meditation that you choose and calming the mind chatter, you can very quickly bring into sharp focus in your minds eye exactly what you want. You can see it in great detail. You can hear the sounds it makes if it makes any. You can smell any scents that come from it. You can touch it, not only on a emotional feeling level, but on a physical one as well. Yes indeed, you can actually “touch” a visualization. Many people, myself included, have had the sensation while visualizing something strongly, that we were in actual physical contact with the thing being visualized.

One thing to be aware of when doing your visualization is to not get too caught up in fine details. In other words, don’t try to “micro manage” it down to the last molecule. You’ll make yourself nuts trying to get into that much detail, and you’ll have the feeling that it isn’t “right” or “correct”. That will most definitely cause a resistant energy inside you that will block what you want from coming. Yes, you want to be specific, but you don’t have to have a “perfect” picture to have it manifest. (I’ll be discussing “perfect pictures” in another post.)

Now that you have a good visual of the thing you want, place yourself with it. If it’s an object, see yourself holding it, if it’s small enough to hold, or next to it if it’s something big like a house or car. If it’s a situation, then see yourself being in that situation and interacting with it and anyone involved with it. In both instances, give yourself the idea of enjoying the feeling of being there, either with the object or situation. Feel gratitude that you have what you want in the visualization. If this seems akward to you, remember how you felt when you received something that you wanted. Remember how thankful and grateful you were for it and how it felt to have it in your reality. Now transfer that good feeling to the new thing in your minds eye.

Letting Go and Going With the Flow

Sit with this visualization for at least 5 minutes. When you are done, allow yourself to come back into a present state of mind and allow yourself to feel the peace and joy of the thing you want coming to you, and then go about whatever you are to do next, and let the object go. What I mean by that is if you keep the desire constantly in your mind, you’ll notice all the time that you don’t have it yet. One thing you want to avoid is over-thinking about what you want. This sets up more resistance inside your energy, because you want what you want, but it’s not here yet. By letting it go after you’ve visualized it, you are giving yourself permission to let the energy unfold naturally and you are allowing yourself to be at peace with the time it takes to receive it.

Stuart Wilde talks alot about yearning for, and leaning energetically into your desire and how that pushes what you want away from you and he’s absolutely correct. The more you reach for it from the place of “I don’t have this desire met yet”, the more it doesn’t show up. You have to be relaxed and calm about the timing of it showing up. Once you are in that place of peace and energetic relaxation about it, it’ll show up quicker than you thought it would. Also, the more you practice being neutral to “when” your desire shows up, the faster all of your desires show up. You can see this in your own experience by remembering when other desires showed up for you. How long did they take to manifest? You’ll find that the more relaxed you were about it, the less time it took, and the more you yearned and longed for and leaned into the desire, the longer it took.

“You really only have two choices. To feel worse or to feel better.” – Abraham

This goes back to my Second Level posts and the nature of duality that we deal with in this life. It is also a very true statement, but most people don’t realize that they are the ones who have the ability to decide how they feel at any given moment. No matter what happens, it’s your choice to decide to feel worse or better about it. The more you choose to feel better about it, the less resistance you place in your energy, the more what you want and desire comes to you. The wonderful thing about this is that you can change how you feel in an instant. It isn’t hard and doesn’t take any effort to do it either. You simply decide how you are going to feel and that’s how you will feel.

Now, did you feel any resistance to what you just read? I’ve had many people tell me that they can’t change how they feel “just like that”, and I ask them why not? The typical response is that it’s not easy. To that I say that’s because you have been practicing how hard it is instead of how easy it is. Then they say “that’s easier said than done” and I tell them no, it’s as easy as said as done. Remember, your words and your thoughts have power. If you say and decide you are going to feel better right here, right now in this present moment, then you will. It is ALWAYS your choice. The more you realize and understand that, the easier it is for you to change anything in your life you want to, including your emotions. The other thing to remember is that noone has the power to “make” you feel anything. Only you have that power. Decide to feel better in each situation, and you will not only achieve the desires you want, you will also greatly reduce any stress in your life.

More techniques to come in Part 3. Stay tuned in, tapped in and turned on. =)

Bright Blessings!

Ross – “Tolemac”

Law of Attraction Methods and Techniques: Part 1

Today, I want to talk with you about several key psychological, metaphysical, and energetic methods that you can use to help you to achieve whatever you want in this life. To my direct knowledge, none of these techniques are new, but you may just hear them expressed in a different way, and that may be the catalyst you have been looking for to start implementing them to improve yourself. I am going to write this in multiple parts, with this being part 1.

1. Write It Down, Get It Done

This first method is one that took me awhile to really apply in my daily life. I am always in “creative mode” in one form or another, and many is the idea that I let go because I wasn’t some place where I could easily write the idea down. Once I got to where I could write it down, the idea usually wasn’t as solid or I couldn’t remember parts of it. Very frustrating. Now, I try to keep a little notebook with me so that I can capture these ideas. The next thing is to get a waterproof voice recorder that I can take into the shower with me!

Ok, so aside from writing down ideas, what would you write down to help you to attain or achieve something? First on the list, I recommend you put down on paper exactly what you want to achieve. If it’s an item, describe it completely. Leave nothing out about how you want it to look, to feel, etc. If it’s a situation, then write how you want the situation to come about, and how you want it to flow, and how the resolution of the situation looks. Basically stated, create the beginning, middle and end of the situation. Remember, specific is terrific so be as specific as possible. Details are required to make it real in your thought pattern and energy. The more real it seems, the faster you’ll manifest it.

“The Point of Power Is In The Present Moment.” – Louise Hay

Always use the present tense when writing down your desires. If you use future tense in your words, you are pushing the thing you want out in front of you. Of course, there is an exception to this. The only words that I have seen work for some people that may be considered as “future tense” is saying something to the affect of “I’m in the process of…” It is sometimes easier to view your desire as taking shape, instead of being already formed, and if it feels better to you to say it that way, then do so. My only thing with this is that, to my mind anyway, you are going to have to wait on the desire, whereas using a strict present tense, you’ll manifest it quicker. But, that’s just me. As they say in the car industry, ‘your mileage may vary’, so use what works for you and be open to trying it different ways.

The next thing to write down is your goals. What do you want to do? When do you want to do it? How long do you want it to take to get there, and how long do you want to continue to do it? Again, make with the details, and be as specific as you can. If you don’t know about a certain aspect of your goal, don’t guess; find out about it. Do whatever research you need so that you have the best possible idea and vision of what your goal will look like. You can also write down as many goals as you want. Yes, you will be focusing on one or two at a time, but it’s better to have a few down on paper that you can look at and plan for. You always have the ability to modify these goals at any time.

One other thing about goals I want to mention. Some people will tell you to be realistic about them, especially with the short term ones. On the surface, that seems like sound advice, but I’ve seen many, many miracles in my life. I’ve seen people create situations that others thought were impossible, so I will not limit you in that way. The only thing that I’ll say in this regard is to be true to yourself. This brings me to the next method…

2. Anything Is Possible

After you have written down what you want, the most vital thing you can do to bring it about is to believe it. I mean this in all the ways that you can think of, to believe in it. The first thing is to believe it’s possible. Yes, it’s possible for you to attract, or manifest whatever is on your list. If you don’t believe it’s possible to have what you want, then it will never materialize for you. Ever. I don’t care how much you work, or how much money you save, if you can’t believe it, it won’t happen. Guaranteed. Something will always keep it from you.

Notice how some things come extremely easily to people, yet other things take them forever to achieve, if at all. That is strictly due to their limiting beliefs. Nothing says, “that can’t happen” or “that will never happen” or “that’s impossible” except ourselves. I cannot stress strongly enough how important this aspect of manifesting is. Without your inner belief that it is possible to create what you want, it will not happen. Believe, and you are one step closer to attaining everything. This goes right along with method 3:

3. Permission and Allowing.

You have to allow yourself to have it. You have to give yourself permission to have it. If you don’t allow yourself to have what you want, then no matter how much you believe it’s possible to have it, you are not going to give it to yourself. This is one of those ego trips we run on ourselves, because of feelings of unworthiness, and not being good enough. If you are dealing with this type of insecurity, it will block you from attaining anything that has any real emotional and spiritual value to you. You can tell if you have these feelings of unworthiness by what you do attract to yourself.

As an example, let’s say you want a new car, and you’ve been eyeing a new Mercedes that would be perfect for you. So, do you bring the Mercedes to you, or do you end up with a Chevy? If you got the Chevy, then I say hey, great job! You’ve manifested a new car, but it’s not the one you wanted. This type of situation is one way you can use to gauge where you are at with your allowing and permission. Look back over your life and simply notice when you allowed yourself to have exactly what you wanted and when you didn’t. There’s no fault or blame here, it’s just the way it was. Now you have tools to change it in your favor.

The other method I highly recommend you use to check out where you are at is the Prosperity Tool I showed you before. This will instantly tell you whether or not you are in a place energetically and emotionally to allow yourself to have your desire. By following that technique, you are telling the Universe, and more importantly, yourself, that you are ready to have it, you’re willing to have it and you’re allowing yourself to have it.

That’s it for today. In my next post, I’ll give you a few more methods to help you attract into your life whatever you desire.

Till then,

Bright Blessings!

Ross – “Tolemac”

The Law Of Attraction and Wishful Thinking

Ever since the movie The Secret came out, I have read over and over again from many and varied sources how the Law of Attraction is merely “wishful thinking” and that it doesn’t really work the way that it is portrayed in any of the movies, books, recordings, etc. written about it.

I have even seen some people, who are otherwise huge new age and metaphysical proponents, completely bash LOA as being nothing more than delusional and wishful thinking. When asked by others why doesn’t it work the way it’s advertized to work, the ones against it say things like “it just doesn’t” or “it can’t work like that”, and “that’s just wishful thinking” and “it’s pseudoscience”.

You're kidding me, right??

The thing is that they are under the mistaken impression that all you have to do is “think about what you want and it materializes”. They believe that LOA is somehow “magic” and that those who are espousing it are claiming magical properties for it. Well, no that’s not how it works, and it’s not how anyone I’ve seen talking or writing about it has protrayed it. I read one post where the poster was sighting the story in The Secret about the young boy who “wished” for a new bike and got it. The thing is, he didn’t just “wish” for it. He visualized it. He saw it as his. He drew a picture of himself with the bike. All of these things are in fact just one thing. That thing is taking action.

In his book, “Affirmations”, Stuart Wilde talks about this very thing.

He gives an example of a young woman who dreams of being a successful Hollywood actress, yet all of her affirmations aren’t going to get her there as long as she’s still living in Kansas. He says you have to take action. You have to be emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually in a place that is as conducive as possible to achieve your desires. You see, the Universe responds whether you believe it does or not, but you will only get positive results if you believe in yourself. When you believe in yourself, you automatically put yourself in the right places at the right times. If you don’t believe in yourself, then your results are not going to turn out as you want them to.

I think, therefore, I am. I think.

Way too often we do not believe in ourselves. We’ve been conditioned all our lives that we can’t just have what we want. That we have to struggle and slog and “work hard” to achieve anything. Usually then and only then do we give ourselves permission to have what we want. Then we use terms like “I earned it” or “I worked hard for this” and because we’ve got everyone else and our egos tellings us that’s the only way to get anything, we believe it. On top of that, if we see someone else getting something that they want without any struggle or years of labor, we think they must have cheated, or that they were somehow “lucky”.

Nonsense. Utter and complete nonsense, yet we do this to ourselves our whole lives. Ask anyone who has achieved any level of greatness in most any endeavor and they’ll all basically say the same thing. They made their own luck. They had a desire, and used their imagination and thoughts and will to bring it about. However, most people don’t want to hear that because, and this is where it starts to border on insanity, that requires work and effort.

Wait… what? Didn’t they just say that it requires work and effort and struggle to achieve anything? Now, when given a sure fire recipe to achieve what they want with a minimum of effort, they say “that takes too much work.” I’ve even read several posts where people actually argue that the things they have achieved in this life was done without using their thoughts or imagination at all. Ok, let’s leave imagination out of it for a moment, and just deal with the thoughts/thinking part. To say that you achieved anything and that you didn’t use your “thoughts” to get you there, is ludicrous in the extreme. Of course you used your thoughts. Your thoughts are what brought the idea to you in the first place. You “think” things like “Hey, that person has a car, and I’d like a car of my own. Hmm, wonder how I get a car. Well, I’ll have to get some money, which means getting a job, or borrowing it, and then once I’ve gotten enough money, I’ll have to go to the dealership and figure out which one I want, and then I’ll have to think about getting insurance for it and maybe a maintainence plan and….”

Hey, wait a minute. That’s an awful lot of thoughts and thinking going on here. And that’s just for one small example. To say or even (if you’ll pardon the pun) “think” that your thinking is not involved in the creation process is just a bit on the nutty side of things.

“One mans magic is another mans engineering” – Robert Heinlein

This is the main point of this post really. There is no “magic” involved with the Law of Attraction. It’s not fairyland dreaming, or pixie dust apparitions. It is what it is. A power that works all the time, every time, for everyone. Until scientists figured out how to actually harness and use electricity, the idea of it was considered magic. Even after it was harnessed, and the first light bulb was shown to the world, people still believed it was magic, and some of them said it was evil, because it wasn’t “natural”. Yet, it didn’t matter what anyone thought or believed about electricty, because it was always there, waiting to be “discovered”. It’s no different with the Law of Attraction.

Does it matter where it comes from or how it does what it does? No, it doesn’t. The bottom line is that, just like with electricity, you either use it to your advantage, or you don’t. It’s up to you to decide how you want to live your life. On your own terms, or at the whim of “chance” and “fate”.

May you choose wisely.

In my next post, I’m going to talk about the various necessary methods and steps that will help us in achieving all that we want.

Deep Peace.

Ross – “Tolemac”