October 22nd, 2010 Full Moon energy

I found this post from Patricia Liles at Lightworkers.org and felt I needed to share her wisdom here. Enjoy!

Full Moon in Aries/Sun in Libra – 29º.
Friday, Oct. 22, 2010 7:38 PM MDT
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at patliles@aol.com

What? Two Full Moons in Aries in a row. Is the cosmos making a statement here. I think so. How could it be otherwise. The last Full Moon at the Fall Equinox was at 0º Aries and this Full Moon is at 29º Aries. Did I mention there were going to be five (5) Full Moons in a row at 29º? I did. But it bears mentioning again. What is the significance of 29º? It represents the ending of a cycle, a completion, an encompassing of all the previous aspects and influences, a summation, like the long journey up to the steps of the temple where you turn and look out over your life, acknowledging what has brought you to this point and then removing your shoes and garments and entering the temple without pretense or past. That’s where we are at this time.

We are completing a major cycle of consciousness in the evolution of our planet. We have five Full Moons in a row to contemplate where we have been, what we intend to shed and then to enter this new phase, clean and unencumbered by the past. But of course, there is work to do to enter a higher frequency energy in a clear and unencumbered state.

The Sun in Libra, also at 29º, opposite the Aries Moon has only benevolent aspects in this chart- to Pluto/Ceres and to the Nodes. The Moon also is aspected in a positive way to Pluto/Ceres and the North Node (point of growth and what we need to develop). There is no hint of the T-square of the entire summer that had us in the pressure cooker on high heat on the stove of ‘change-or-get-left-behind’. We made it. We are lighter, leaner, sobered. This is the Moon to celebrate our initiation into our relationship with our true Selves. Look around you into the eyes of your cohort that has embraced the challenge of deep societal transformation enacted from the inside out.

Aries as the first sign of the zodiac wheel is where we learn courage and create a (new) personal identity. The Ram has enthusiasm, assertiveness, and passion and loves a challenge. Its ruler, fiery Mars, calls in our physical energy and sexuality. Use the thrust of this energy to clean out the old patterns of holding yourself in a certain way and to open up the container of relationship to let in more loving kindness. Use your courage to shine out your inner gifts of beauty at the highest level possible. Let the enthusiasm of Aries fill your every contact and interaction.

Many of the personal planets are in Scorpio (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and asteroid Vesta), and we are only 1º away from a Scorpio Sun on Saturday, Oct. 23, at 6:35 AM MDT. With the Sun in Libra, the sign of relationship, and the Moon in Aries, the sign of the self, and their respective rulers, Venus and Mars in Scorpio, we are asked to take back our power for ourselves and use it to examine, penetrate, and let our secrets be revealed and surrendered. There are ways that our psyches are armored that keep our pure, divine expression deeply in check – enculturation, trauma, unsuccessful relationships, being driven deeply into survival strategies, endless witnessing of horrors to our fellow human beings via media all contribute to our inaccessibility to our relationship to our True Source. You can feel the protected places in the body where the life force no longer flows freely. The combination of Aries and Scorpio provides us with the courage to go deeply into these reservoirs of separation and release ourselves. This is our work now – freeing ourselves from the programming of the past that is locked in our very bones. Almost everything in this chart points to re-establishing a new relationship (Libra) with our selves (Aries) and from that we will be able to build a new foundation for relationship with mutually powerful others, and from that create a community/society from the ground up with a spiritual commitment to the whole. That’s what the Age of Aquarius is about in one sense, a grassroots movement to build a society based on truth, love and equality.

Pluto and Ceres are playing a big role now and in this chart. They have been dancing together for most of this year. This is the theme of balancing the power between the masculine and feminine that we as global awakeners have stepped up to integrate through our recreating of ourselves, our relationships, the way we work and live, vote, spend our resources, and how we treat others. Forgive and heal the masculine within and without. Empower the feminine in yourself and in all areas of your life. Mars, the masculine Warrior, is involved in the only stressful aspect in this chart. Mars squared to Chiron (and Neptune as witness) suggests what the masculine has carried from the past is aligned to open and heal now utilizing the detached compassion of Aquarius. Let’s all focus on our fathers, husbands, sons, brothers, uncles, lovers, teachers, friends and all the Shivas in our lives and send them love and forgiveness from our deepest selves. Much can be healed in this way. The chart is asking us to bring that masculine part of ourselves into balance.

This Full Moon will help us make our way to the top of that mountain, take a deep breath and survey all that we have accomplished. There is much to celebrate!

Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at patliles@aol.com

Bright Blessings to you all, and have a marvelous Moondance tonight! =)

Ross – Tolemac

Welcome to the Second Level: Part 3

Today I want to talk with you about an interesting level of duality. So what do I mean by interesting? Well, so far in my previous posts on duality (here and here), we’ve looked at the either/or nature of duality and how we have to deal with one or the other. Now, I want to get into two areas where the duality is not so cut and dry. Where the duality is more of a perception than an actuality.

Action and Non-action

At first, these appear to be like any other type of duality that we deal with. It’s when you look deeper into what is really going on that you then see that something is different here. Something has definitely changed with respect to the either/or concept. Let me give you an example. If you are running, that is an action. If you stop running, that too is an action and you could say that it’s a non-action because you are no longer in the act of running. While that is true in the sense that you are not running, it is not true in the sense that you are no longer taking action.

This is where it gets into deeper territory on a metaphysical level. When you look at it from this level, you see that everything we do is an action. No matter how you want to phrase it, or look at it or conceive of it, everything is an action. There is, in fact, no time at which we are not in the process of being in an action. This is where the bonds of duality start to slip. There is no up/down, in/out type of duality when talking about action. There is only the single face of it. By understanding this concept, it gives us the ability to see deeper into who and what we are, and to realize that all we do is action. So, where does this action come from?

To Be, Or Not To Be

While that’s not necessarily the question (apologies to the Bard) it does bring us to another level of concept where duality goes sideways. The concept is choices and decisions and the ones we make. Just like with actions, at first it appears to have duality insofar as we either decide (choose) do to something or not. However, once we again look deeper into it we find that everything we do is based on a choice/decision and even when we choose/decide not to do something, we still have made a choice/decision.

We cannot escape making decisions. Ever. Indeed, while the choices we make will have the concept of duality embedded in them (all choices are basically either/or choices) we cannot stop making choices and decisions. Just like action, decision-making is never ending. There is only one side to it. Can you see what I mean by this? Do you start to get some of what this implies as to how we can live our lives in a clearer way?

You see, to be or not to be actually is the question. Because everything is your choice and your actions are dictated by those choices and decisions, by acknowledging that you are in a constant state of deciding and action taking, your personal responsibility for yourself comes to the forefront. Once you realize this and that you are indeed the master of your life, you can now make better decisions, and consequently, take better actions that will help you to become better in all aspects of your life.

Making A Positive Choice

Sit in meditation and look at your decisions and the actions that you’ve taken. Do this as neutrally as possible and simply see how you have made certain choices and done certain things. There is no right or wrong here and definitely no blame. There is only what is. Notice how many of your decisions were made from a negative emotional space and how many were from a positive space. See how the ones that came from the positive space have benefited you greatly and how the ones made from the negative space have been anywhere from annoying to truly devastating.

When you look at these decisions and actions from this neutral space, you see that you are the only creator in your life. You see how you are the only one who can make a decision or take an action for yourself from whatever emotional stance you wish. Now you can become a truly aware architect of your life. May you choose wisely. =)

Bright Blessings.

Ross – “Tolemac”

Welcome to the Second Level: Part 2

In this second part, I want to talk with you about the duality of the two main emotions of this life.

Love and Fear.

These two emotions are the driving force behind everything that we do in this existence. Being emotion based entities living in a duality based system, we have to deal with these two in every aspect of our lives. I call these the “main emotions” because all other emotions spring from them. There is not a single positive emotion that does not come from Love and conversely, there is not a single negative emotion that does not come from Fear.

Think about it. If you examine all emotions and go down to their essence, you’ll find one of these main emotions at it’s core. This may sound simplistic, but by simplifying our emotions down to their core, they actually become easier to deal with. So what is the core of these main emotions? Let’s take a look…

The Core Of Fear

Fear. The morass from which all negative emotions emerge. The main emotion that when we experience it brings us emptiness. Destroys us. Drags us down into the deepest pits of hell. When you think of Fear, what comes up for you? The fear you have for the safety of yourself and those around you? Anger, Rage, Depression?  What do you feel when you feel Fear? What is the truth behind that feeling? If you allow yourself to fully delve into the emotion, no matter what triggered it, you’ll find one thing.




It is this belief in Loss that causes all Fear.

As I explained in my Staying Grounded post, Fear creates inside of us the feeling that we are dying. This is the ultimate loss. The loss of our life. Even though we may be afraid of relatively and comparatively simple things, such as whether or not we’ll be late for an appointment, it still feels like death and dying to our basic selves. Fear causes us to also lose perspective. Without perspective, our rational minds go right out the window.

Frank Herbert, in his epic work Dune, said it best when he wrote the Litany Against Fear, part of which states: “Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.” I have yet to hear it said better. Fear does indeed kill our minds and way too often actually leads to death. So how do we deal with this fear? How do we look it in the eye and disregard the message it’s sending to us?

Letting Go Of Fear

One way to remove fear from your life is to first remember the main acronym associated with FEAR:

False Evidence Appearing Real

Basically this asks you to remember that 99.9% of the fear we experience is not real. Our lives are not in danger, but we are perceiving them as such. Look directly at what is causing you to feel this fear and ask yourself two things. First, are you in real danger? Probably not, so your life is not really being threatened. The second question, and in my mind the more important of the two as it will help you to get straight to the truth, is to ask yourself what are you losing? You’re feeling afraid, so you must feel like you are losing something. Once you ask yourself that and can answer it honestly, you’ll see that 100% of the time, you are “losing” nothing. That’s the false evidence appearing real.

In my experience, people only feel fear because they have a belief in their separateness from the Source of all things. Label it however you will, the fact remains that if you believe you’re separate from this source, you also have a belief in fear. If you are not separate and feel only oneness, then there is no room or capacity for fear in your life, because there is nothing you can lose.

There are any number of things you can do to keep fear out of your life. You can recite the complete Litany Against Fear:

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

You can understand that the fear is not real and move it out of your body and energy and have it go down your grounding cord. You can be completely honest with yourself. This helps tremendously, as there is no falsehood in you. If there’s nothing false, then you can look at outside “appearances”  much more cleanly and see them for what they really are. Meditating is another excellent way of clearing this emotion. You have probably been introduced to other ways of releasing and letting go of fear. Incorporate those that work for you and that you feel comfortable doing.

Lastly, remember that all “low energy” or “negative” emotions are varying degrees of fear of loss. By looking at your emotions as neutrally as possible and asking yourself why you’re feeling this way, you can start to let go of the fear and to let go of the rest of the negative emotions, especially when you see that they do not serve you at all.


The Core Of Love

Love. The fount from whence all positive emotions flow. The main emotion that when we experience it fills us. Enlightens us. Lifts us to heights barely imaginable. When you think of Love, what comes up for you? The love you have for your mate? Your child? Your family? A pet? Happiness, Joy, Contentment? Peace, Abundance, Self-Fulfillment? What do you feel when you feel Love? What is the truth behind that feeling? If you allow yourself to fully delve into the emotion, no matter what triggered it, you’ll find one thing.




It is this Oneness that we seek at every level of our being.

Filling Ourselves With Love

When we come from Oneness to Source, all things are possible. Knowing and truly believing that we are completely a part of all that is, gives us the connection and wholeness we crave. Again, meditating, staying grounded and being honest with ourselves, are great ways to help keep the positive emotions and energy flowing. Being grateful, expressing that gratitude, and giving thanks for what you are and where you find yourself definitely keeps the love vibe going strong. It’s impossible to feel anything but love when you are expressing your gratitude and thanks.

The quote “Laughter is the best medicine” is absolutely true. When you are laughing, most of the time, it’s because you are enjoying life and you are expressing that enjoyment. There is no room for fear or any negative emotions while laughing. Laughter pre-dates language and is another way that we relate, share and understand our Oneness with each other and this world.

Listening to music that inspires us and gives us those good feelings is another excellent way to change your mood to one of love and compassion. The same is true for watching movies or tv shows that uplift us, and shows us positive imagery.

Go out into the natural world as often as you can. Look around you. At the trees, the grass, the sky, the stars at night, the sand at a lake or beach, the water, the animals. Be calm and still and feel the energy surrounding you. By being in Nature, feeling and sensing the vastness, timelessness and abundance, you immediately start to feel that Oneness. You can start to feel the connection to all things.

I’m certain that you either have or can create many other ways to find and fill yourself with the energy of Love. Be sure to take time each day to feel it and appreciate it. The more you do so, the less any negative emotion will be able to hold sway over you. The more you will enjoy this life and everything in it. The Lakota people say in their language, Mitakuye Oyasin! which means “we are all related”, and so it is.

Brightest Blessings!


Welcome To The Second Level: Part 1

So, what do I mean when I say “Second Level”? In my view, we live in a dimension where we have to deal with “duality” in every aspect of our lives. Numerologically speaking, this duality is represented by the number two, hence the term “Second Level”.

Duality is the prime mover of this particular existence. Up or down, in or out, good or bad, male or female, etc. We are in a constant state of choice and choosing. This can, and does, lead some people into another state: Confusion. This is caused by one thing and one thing only. Asking questions. “What do I do?” “Which way should I go?” “How will this turn out?” So should we stop asking questions? Not at all. If we did that, nothing would get accomplished. Questions and questioning, for the most part, are necessary and valid to go through this life. Certain things require answers and if you don’t ask, you’ll never find out. That said, some things that we as humans question puts us immediately into the confused state. It’s not the questioning itself, as it is the actual question; where we are asking it from and how we ask it. 

Through my various metaphysical trainings and my work as a healer, I’ve found that there are two things (duality strikes again) that will help you to eliminate this confusion. Once you understand both of these concepts, you can live a more confusion-free life.

Stop Asking Questions

Again, I don’t mean you need to stop asking mundane, everyday informational questions (“What time is the meeting?”), but it will serve you greatly if you can stop asking “emotional” questions. These questions are almost always based in some form of fear, and because we “don’t know” the answer, we get confused, which leads to worry, which leads to fearfulness and even panic in extreme cases.  If you can clear your mind of the emotion around the questions and not ask them from an emotional base, but instead ask them from spirit, or your higher consciousness, you’ll be surprised at how easily the answers actually come to you. By pulling the emotion out of the question, you are eliminating the possibility of fear overriding you and throwing you into confusion.

There Are Only Two Things That Are Going To Happen…

More Duality! One of the many lessons that my teacher, mentor, and friend Stuart Wilde taught me was that there are only “two things” that will ever happen in any situation, no matter what that situation is: It either will, or it won’t. At first blush, this sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people hear that, and go “Oh! I get it now.” Some people don’t require an explanation, while others will ask “What the hell does that mean?”

Here then is the explanation of what it all means. The basic statement is based on observed behaviour. No matter what or who is involved in any given situation, they/ it/ him/ her/ whatever, either “will” or they “will not”. She will either marry him, or not. They will either give you the job, or not. Again, on the emotional side of this, you have worry, and alot of fear. Thoughts like “Oh my God, I don’t know!” “How will they react?” “What will they do??” This worry causes a great deal of stress that is unnecessary. We spend an amazing amount of time in our lives “worrying”, especially about these types of questions.

One of the biggest games we humans play against ourselves is the “what if” game. People have literally driven themselves over the edge playing this one. It’s the idea of not knowing that causes such pain and anxiety. The thing is, we do know. The time spent worrying can most definitely be put to better use. So by stopping yourself when you feel the confusion coming on, getting grounded, and really thinking about it calmly and remembering that there are ony two things that can happen, you can now begin to release the need to worry about it. We can now step away from the “fear” of not knowing and look at each situation and instead of freaking out, we can prepare for either outcome. Once you’ve gotten it into your psyche that only two things can happen, the stress and the worry can be removed, and you’ll stay more grounded and centered.

So, the next time you feel yourself getting into a panic because you don’t know what’s going to happen in a given situation, just remember to ask the question from your spiritual center and not from your emotions, and to remember that it either will, or it won’t. 😉

In my next post, I want to talk with you more about duality. In particular, about the two main emotions of this life.

Till then, deep peace to you.
