Understanding Manifestation and Creation

Here’s a situation I see fairly frequently with friends and clients who are new to the Law of Attraction and metaphysics in general. They tend to not fully understand manifestation and creation in regards to the Law of Attraction and how they are the major part of that manifestation.

When I’ve asked them “when are you manifesting and creating?”, most say that when they’ve created something “big” in their lives, whether it was a positive or negative experience, then that is when they were manifesting. They can see the evidence of the Law of Attraction and how it works in their lives, but their perspective is narrow, as they are only looking at these large events that have taken place.

This is not unusual. Most people only really remember the “big events” of their life. Those that have impacted them in a strong emotional way. Rarely does anyone recall or remember the small things that happen on a daily basis. Because we are not taught to pay attention to everything going on around us and inside us, we tend to let those small things drift out of our consciousness. I see this as one of the blocks to our spiritual evolution, and another reason why some people have a difficult time manifesting what they want.

Here is what I tell my healing clients and metaphysical students:

Everything that is in your life right now, you manifested. Everything that has ever been in your life, you manifested.

So what do I mean by “everything”? I mean exactly that. Everything. Every moment, every thought, every action, every feeling, every experience; you created for yourself. That’s what we are. We’re creators and manifestors. We have thoughts, which create feelings, which create desires, which create manifestations. By understanding that this is who we are and this is how we operate, we can now see that EVERYTHING we do is a creation and that it is all sacred.

Does this mean you have to acknowledge every minute thing in your life? Every thought, or feeling, or action, no matter how seemingly insignificant? Of course, you acknowledge everything, but you don’t have to examine each thing separately. You can if you want to, but that would cause you to not get much accomplished, as you’d be too busy acknowledging every breath, and every heart beat, etc. No, you don’t have to go to that extreme, but you do have to acknowledge, in general, that you are the one manifesting all of these things going on, and to be grateful for them in your life.

That said, I will tell you that the more you do acknowledge, appreciate and are grateful for the smaller events and experiences in your life, the more positive experiences you’ll create for yourself. This is the main principle of the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. As you become more and more grateful for all that is around and in you, more and more circumstances will be created that you can be grateful for.

What Is Your Perspective?

Another aspect to understanding manifestation and creation is knowing what your perspective is. To illustrate this point, let me give you my favorite example. If you are looking at a rose, then what are you seeing? Well, a flowering bush that we call a rose, that has certain colors and smells and other characteristics we find pleasurable, for the most part. There are the thorns, which are not pleasurable, but if we’re careful then we don’t have to worry about them. In the main, it’s a beautiful flower, and we enjoy it. 



Now what if you were a farmer raising daisies? What would your perspective be then, if you saw a rose in the middle of your daisy field? Now, that is no longer a beautiful flower to be admired for it’s color and scent. No, now that rose a weed. But wait a minute, it’s a rose. How can one of the most cherished flowers in history be thought of as a weed? From the perspective of the farmer, it’s easy. The rose is not where it “should” be, and it certainly isn’t supposed to be in the middle of the daisies.

This example can be applied to everything that you experience. Do you see how our perspective changes everything? To most, the idea of a single rose bush flowering in the middle of all the white and yellow of the daisies would be an interesting contrast indeed, but the farmer’s gone for the weed killer and a hoe. Once you recognize that how you see things determines your feelings about them, you can begin to change your perspective to one that is not limiting and negative. One of the fastest ways to do this is by acknowledging that you were the one who created whatever is in front of you to begin with.

This will give you an opportunity to re-examine your perspective on the object, person or situation and change it to a more positive one. If it’s something that is “perceived” as a negative, then forgive yourself, let the negativity of it go, and even if you can’t see anything particularly positive about it at the moment, at least get as neutral to it as you can. Once you practice this, you’ll see how your feelings and perspective changes about everything around you. You will begin to bring in much more positive experiences into your life.

By understanding that you create it all and that you have the ability to change your perspective, you will allow yourself to see more than you’ve seen before. You will give yourself a view of your life that is clear and uncluttered. You will give yourself a level of gratitude and love higher than you’ve ever experienced. In turn, your prosperity and abundance, on all levels, will grow tremendously.

Bright Blessings to you!

Ross – Tolemac

Law of Attraction Methods and Techniques: Part 1

Today, I want to talk with you about several key psychological, metaphysical, and energetic methods that you can use to help you to achieve whatever you want in this life. To my direct knowledge, none of these techniques are new, but you may just hear them expressed in a different way, and that may be the catalyst you have been looking for to start implementing them to improve yourself. I am going to write this in multiple parts, with this being part 1.

1. Write It Down, Get It Done

This first method is one that took me awhile to really apply in my daily life. I am always in “creative mode” in one form or another, and many is the idea that I let go because I wasn’t some place where I could easily write the idea down. Once I got to where I could write it down, the idea usually wasn’t as solid or I couldn’t remember parts of it. Very frustrating. Now, I try to keep a little notebook with me so that I can capture these ideas. The next thing is to get a waterproof voice recorder that I can take into the shower with me!

Ok, so aside from writing down ideas, what would you write down to help you to attain or achieve something? First on the list, I recommend you put down on paper exactly what you want to achieve. If it’s an item, describe it completely. Leave nothing out about how you want it to look, to feel, etc. If it’s a situation, then write how you want the situation to come about, and how you want it to flow, and how the resolution of the situation looks. Basically stated, create the beginning, middle and end of the situation. Remember, specific is terrific so be as specific as possible. Details are required to make it real in your thought pattern and energy. The more real it seems, the faster you’ll manifest it.

“The Point of Power Is In The Present Moment.” – Louise Hay

Always use the present tense when writing down your desires. If you use future tense in your words, you are pushing the thing you want out in front of you. Of course, there is an exception to this. The only words that I have seen work for some people that may be considered as “future tense” is saying something to the affect of “I’m in the process of…” It is sometimes easier to view your desire as taking shape, instead of being already formed, and if it feels better to you to say it that way, then do so. My only thing with this is that, to my mind anyway, you are going to have to wait on the desire, whereas using a strict present tense, you’ll manifest it quicker. But, that’s just me. As they say in the car industry, ‘your mileage may vary’, so use what works for you and be open to trying it different ways.

The next thing to write down is your goals. What do you want to do? When do you want to do it? How long do you want it to take to get there, and how long do you want to continue to do it? Again, make with the details, and be as specific as you can. If you don’t know about a certain aspect of your goal, don’t guess; find out about it. Do whatever research you need so that you have the best possible idea and vision of what your goal will look like. You can also write down as many goals as you want. Yes, you will be focusing on one or two at a time, but it’s better to have a few down on paper that you can look at and plan for. You always have the ability to modify these goals at any time.

One other thing about goals I want to mention. Some people will tell you to be realistic about them, especially with the short term ones. On the surface, that seems like sound advice, but I’ve seen many, many miracles in my life. I’ve seen people create situations that others thought were impossible, so I will not limit you in that way. The only thing that I’ll say in this regard is to be true to yourself. This brings me to the next method…

2. Anything Is Possible

After you have written down what you want, the most vital thing you can do to bring it about is to believe it. I mean this in all the ways that you can think of, to believe in it. The first thing is to believe it’s possible. Yes, it’s possible for you to attract, or manifest whatever is on your list. If you don’t believe it’s possible to have what you want, then it will never materialize for you. Ever. I don’t care how much you work, or how much money you save, if you can’t believe it, it won’t happen. Guaranteed. Something will always keep it from you.

Notice how some things come extremely easily to people, yet other things take them forever to achieve, if at all. That is strictly due to their limiting beliefs. Nothing says, “that can’t happen” or “that will never happen” or “that’s impossible” except ourselves. I cannot stress strongly enough how important this aspect of manifesting is. Without your inner belief that it is possible to create what you want, it will not happen. Believe, and you are one step closer to attaining everything. This goes right along with method 3:

3. Permission and Allowing.

You have to allow yourself to have it. You have to give yourself permission to have it. If you don’t allow yourself to have what you want, then no matter how much you believe it’s possible to have it, you are not going to give it to yourself. This is one of those ego trips we run on ourselves, because of feelings of unworthiness, and not being good enough. If you are dealing with this type of insecurity, it will block you from attaining anything that has any real emotional and spiritual value to you. You can tell if you have these feelings of unworthiness by what you do attract to yourself.

As an example, let’s say you want a new car, and you’ve been eyeing a new Mercedes that would be perfect for you. So, do you bring the Mercedes to you, or do you end up with a Chevy? If you got the Chevy, then I say hey, great job! You’ve manifested a new car, but it’s not the one you wanted. This type of situation is one way you can use to gauge where you are at with your allowing and permission. Look back over your life and simply notice when you allowed yourself to have exactly what you wanted and when you didn’t. There’s no fault or blame here, it’s just the way it was. Now you have tools to change it in your favor.

The other method I highly recommend you use to check out where you are at is the Prosperity Tool I showed you before. This will instantly tell you whether or not you are in a place energetically and emotionally to allow yourself to have your desire. By following that technique, you are telling the Universe, and more importantly, yourself, that you are ready to have it, you’re willing to have it and you’re allowing yourself to have it.

That’s it for today. In my next post, I’ll give you a few more methods to help you attract into your life whatever you desire.

Till then,

Bright Blessings!

Ross – “Tolemac”

Welcome to the Second Level: Part 2

In this second part, I want to talk with you about the duality of the two main emotions of this life.

Love and Fear.

These two emotions are the driving force behind everything that we do in this existence. Being emotion based entities living in a duality based system, we have to deal with these two in every aspect of our lives. I call these the “main emotions” because all other emotions spring from them. There is not a single positive emotion that does not come from Love and conversely, there is not a single negative emotion that does not come from Fear.

Think about it. If you examine all emotions and go down to their essence, you’ll find one of these main emotions at it’s core. This may sound simplistic, but by simplifying our emotions down to their core, they actually become easier to deal with. So what is the core of these main emotions? Let’s take a look…

The Core Of Fear

Fear. The morass from which all negative emotions emerge. The main emotion that when we experience it brings us emptiness. Destroys us. Drags us down into the deepest pits of hell. When you think of Fear, what comes up for you? The fear you have for the safety of yourself and those around you? Anger, Rage, Depression?  What do you feel when you feel Fear? What is the truth behind that feeling? If you allow yourself to fully delve into the emotion, no matter what triggered it, you’ll find one thing.




It is this belief in Loss that causes all Fear.

As I explained in my Staying Grounded post, Fear creates inside of us the feeling that we are dying. This is the ultimate loss. The loss of our life. Even though we may be afraid of relatively and comparatively simple things, such as whether or not we’ll be late for an appointment, it still feels like death and dying to our basic selves. Fear causes us to also lose perspective. Without perspective, our rational minds go right out the window.

Frank Herbert, in his epic work Dune, said it best when he wrote the Litany Against Fear, part of which states: “Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.” I have yet to hear it said better. Fear does indeed kill our minds and way too often actually leads to death. So how do we deal with this fear? How do we look it in the eye and disregard the message it’s sending to us?

Letting Go Of Fear

One way to remove fear from your life is to first remember the main acronym associated with FEAR:

False Evidence Appearing Real

Basically this asks you to remember that 99.9% of the fear we experience is not real. Our lives are not in danger, but we are perceiving them as such. Look directly at what is causing you to feel this fear and ask yourself two things. First, are you in real danger? Probably not, so your life is not really being threatened. The second question, and in my mind the more important of the two as it will help you to get straight to the truth, is to ask yourself what are you losing? You’re feeling afraid, so you must feel like you are losing something. Once you ask yourself that and can answer it honestly, you’ll see that 100% of the time, you are “losing” nothing. That’s the false evidence appearing real.

In my experience, people only feel fear because they have a belief in their separateness from the Source of all things. Label it however you will, the fact remains that if you believe you’re separate from this source, you also have a belief in fear. If you are not separate and feel only oneness, then there is no room or capacity for fear in your life, because there is nothing you can lose.

There are any number of things you can do to keep fear out of your life. You can recite the complete Litany Against Fear:

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

You can understand that the fear is not real and move it out of your body and energy and have it go down your grounding cord. You can be completely honest with yourself. This helps tremendously, as there is no falsehood in you. If there’s nothing false, then you can look at outside “appearances”  much more cleanly and see them for what they really are. Meditating is another excellent way of clearing this emotion. You have probably been introduced to other ways of releasing and letting go of fear. Incorporate those that work for you and that you feel comfortable doing.

Lastly, remember that all “low energy” or “negative” emotions are varying degrees of fear of loss. By looking at your emotions as neutrally as possible and asking yourself why you’re feeling this way, you can start to let go of the fear and to let go of the rest of the negative emotions, especially when you see that they do not serve you at all.


The Core Of Love

Love. The fount from whence all positive emotions flow. The main emotion that when we experience it fills us. Enlightens us. Lifts us to heights barely imaginable. When you think of Love, what comes up for you? The love you have for your mate? Your child? Your family? A pet? Happiness, Joy, Contentment? Peace, Abundance, Self-Fulfillment? What do you feel when you feel Love? What is the truth behind that feeling? If you allow yourself to fully delve into the emotion, no matter what triggered it, you’ll find one thing.




It is this Oneness that we seek at every level of our being.

Filling Ourselves With Love

When we come from Oneness to Source, all things are possible. Knowing and truly believing that we are completely a part of all that is, gives us the connection and wholeness we crave. Again, meditating, staying grounded and being honest with ourselves, are great ways to help keep the positive emotions and energy flowing. Being grateful, expressing that gratitude, and giving thanks for what you are and where you find yourself definitely keeps the love vibe going strong. It’s impossible to feel anything but love when you are expressing your gratitude and thanks.

The quote “Laughter is the best medicine” is absolutely true. When you are laughing, most of the time, it’s because you are enjoying life and you are expressing that enjoyment. There is no room for fear or any negative emotions while laughing. Laughter pre-dates language and is another way that we relate, share and understand our Oneness with each other and this world.

Listening to music that inspires us and gives us those good feelings is another excellent way to change your mood to one of love and compassion. The same is true for watching movies or tv shows that uplift us, and shows us positive imagery.

Go out into the natural world as often as you can. Look around you. At the trees, the grass, the sky, the stars at night, the sand at a lake or beach, the water, the animals. Be calm and still and feel the energy surrounding you. By being in Nature, feeling and sensing the vastness, timelessness and abundance, you immediately start to feel that Oneness. You can start to feel the connection to all things.

I’m certain that you either have or can create many other ways to find and fill yourself with the energy of Love. Be sure to take time each day to feel it and appreciate it. The more you do so, the less any negative emotion will be able to hold sway over you. The more you will enjoy this life and everything in it. The Lakota people say in their language, Mitakuye Oyasin! which means “we are all related”, and so it is.

Brightest Blessings!


The Power To Change Is In Your Hands

Most people stop themselves from accomplishing and achieving what they would really like and want to do in life mainly because they do not have the belief in themselves that they can make the changes necessary. Typically, these are the people that say words like “I can’t” and “if only”. It is not often that they realize that they are the ones that have the power within themselves to achieve anything they desire, if they are only willing to change themselves.

Typically, people think that change is completely beyond their control and so they feel totally powerless to do anything that can change the situation they find themselves in. However by changing ourselves and our outlook on life, we then begin to take charge of our lives and make the changes needed. By changing how you think and feel about yourself and your circumstances, you give yourself the power to change your life to the one you want. One where everything is possible and is within easy reach. Here are a couple of simple methods to get you started in making the changes you want.

What is it that you want from life?

The very first step to changing your life is to decide what it is exactly that you want to change in yourself and/or your life. Is there some particular aspect in your life that you want to change? Is there something about you as a person you feel needs changing? You need to write down specifically what it is that you wish to change, making as complete a list of everything that you aren’t happy about as possible, and the changes you believe you need to make.

Get out a legal size sheet of paper, and make two headlines at the top. Mark the first one on the upper left as “Things I want to change” and mark the second one on the upper right as “How I will change them” Now, you can number down the left hand side if you wish, and list out first, all the things in you and your life you want to change. Be completely honest and as specific as possible. Once you’ve listed those out, go back to the top and start on the right hand column and list how you are going to make the changes for each one. Again, be specific and honest.

If you want to actually make these changes, you have to come from as open a place inside yourself as possible. Self delusion, or hiding what is real will only keep you from making the changes you want. The way we feel about ourselves and see ourselves, has everything to do with how we see life. If we are full of fear, self-doubt and lack of confidence, this shows in how we present ourselves to the world and to our own selves.

Change your mind, change your life

Self-doubt will get you down really quickly, so one of the first steps you’ll need to do to accomplish taking your life back into your own hands is to change your basic outlook.
You need to realize that it is you and only you that has the power to change and the secret to this is freeing your mind and body from fear and doubts so that you can start to move forward and begin making the changes you want. Allowing yourself to have a more positive attitude will help you to be able to change the way you feel and react to any situation.

More importantly, it will help you with what you are able to achieve. You will be able to do this because with a different attitude towards life in general, you will see things differently and you’ll experience them differently, with more confidence and self-assuredness. Also, others around you will be more responsive to you and your needs and they will appreciate how you are better able to handle situations. This in turn will give you even more self confidence.

Of necessity, the changes you make should be small at first, as you don’t want to add the stress of trying to accomplish huge changes on the hurry up. Soon though, you will begin to realize that the changes are happening and that it is you that is making them happen. You’ll realize that you don’t have to rely on anyone else.

Along with these positive changes, you will feel better, have more self-esteem, confidence, be more enthusiastic and be more self-motivated. Whenever I finish with a healing client, I have them look in the mirror so that they can see immediately how they look better than they did before, both physically and energetically. Recognize the positive changes you are making and celebrate them! Validate yourself for every step you take. This positive re-enforcement goes a long way to helping you make even bigger changes, and making them quicker.

Taking and accepting responsibility

Taking full responsibility for your life is a magical thing. It can immediately remove the idea of “blame”. By accepting total responsibility and realizing that you alone hold the power to make the changes you want, you will bring incredible self-satisfaction to yourself. Remember, “responsibility” is simply being “able to respond” So, when you take a deep and totally truthful look at your life, you will easily see that you and you alone made the decisions that brought you to where you are.

Sure, other people and situations influenced your decisions, but ultimately, you are the one who agreed to them. By not “blaming” anything or anyone outside of yourself, you really are free to make even better decisions. The idea here is not to blame yourself either. The idea is to accept the way you dealt with whatever came along, forgive yourself if it didn’t turn out like you wanted it to and to move forward toward better choices, and to acknowledge yourself if the changes and decisions you make work out for you.

Too often, people are very quick to judge themselves harshly when things go awry, but rarely allow themselves to feel good for things that turn out the way they wanted or needed. By taking responsibility for your life, you can say honestly and completely, “I did that” whether it was “good ” or “not so good”. This will give you a freedom that most people will never experience.

Here are a few quick tips to help you make changes in your life:

  • Find a self-help course to attend.

    Most people will need a guiding hand to get them going when they first start out to make the changes they want in their life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking out help at this time, and one of the best ways to do that is to attend a workshop or course that can help you get the advice and support you need so that you can take control in a safe environment.


  • Read self-help books and/or watch DVD’s..

    If you are unable to attend a class or workshop, then getting motivational DVD’s and self-help books is the next best thing to being there. While you won’t have the interaction, you can still find plenty of inspiration to get you going on the right path.


  • Clean up your space.

    Clutter in the environment leads to clutter in the mind. One of the best ways to prepare for the changes you want to make, is to change the energy of the space where you live. Get rid of the old energy by doing a thorough cleaning and by removing objects that either are no longer useful, or invoke negative feelings. Recycle old clothing and let go of anything that distracts you from what you want to accomplish. Read up on Feng Shui, or if there’s one in your area, hire a consultant to come in and help you re-set the energy of your home. This one tip goes a very long way to getting you into the right mind set to create a better you.


    Finally, remember to love yourself and to be your own best friend. If you don’t like and love yourself, how can anyone else? By treating yourself with love, forgiveness and respect, others will treat you that way as well.

    Deep Peace and Brightest Blessings!